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Everything posted by flydav
I meant from the cockpit view... anyway in case I have an accident you guys are going to pay the bill
Sounds good!!! Only one thing... I noticed that the runway is not lit enough by the landing lights, I know that this is more of an X plane problem but I was wondering if that could be somehow fixed. I would really love to see the landing lights but also the taxi lights really doing a better job at illuminating what's around. Thanks!
I guess that's only because of your super cool nickname...
You almost gave me a heart attack when I received your email!!!!!!! For 15 seconds I thought it was released in your store!!! I've been following the project since 2011!!! I should almost get it for free!!!
No complains or requests this time just wanted to acknowledge that cloud shadows on land and most of all on water are unbelievable realistic waaaaay better than v2! Terrific! I've never seen anything like this on any simulator! Thank You!
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No complains or request this time Just wanted acknowledge that cloud shadows on land and most of all on water are unbelievable realistic waaaaay better than v2! Terrific! I've never seen anything like this on any simulator! Thank You!
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I guess your guess is right! it was actually swapping I had zero or close to zero VRAM and the RAM was going down crazy. I was flying over a dense OSM and photoreal area so I know that could have been the reason. What I was not guessing is that switching to my current 5k retina iMac i7 with 32GB ram and 4GB VRAM could give me such problem! There is really no super duper powerful computer out there and I'm not even using "extreme" texture rendering just "very high"
During my last flight all of a sudden and without any apparent reason my fps dropped to 1-3 so after waiting a few minutes and seeing that the situation wasn't improving by itself I tried to disable silverlining and to my surprise everything went back to normal fps (40-45). Then I enabled silverlining and and everything was ok again so I guess that something wasn't working with the plugin the moment that the fps was low. Let me know if you need any log file next time that happens again.
The color looks unnatural to me they are too dark flying above the overcast layer while they should be very white from above and dark (the way they are now) seen from below/ground. Can this be fixed? I bet is a shader work! The other day I was flying there was a scattered layer of clouds above an overcast layer and they were white so everything looked pretty much unrealistic... to have white cumulous on top of a dark overcast layer... filling the horizon mmhhh...nope!Not right
Yeah I can imagine that! Thanks a lot for giving me hope this is what I was talking about isn't it cool?
Is it feasible to have the clouds and fog lit by the plane's landing lights at night or is this something that would require super extra coding?
Maybe what I found out it's going to be helpful for people on a MAC. Before I uninstalled SMP I made a copy to compare with the fresh install and I found out that the folder Silverlining/resources had only one file inside (cirrus.tga) rather than several files and folders. How did this happen?! I was wondering...I'm always very careful with moving or deleting files and I'm no dummy when it comes to manipulating files. So what I did is that a few days ago I wanted to go back from X plane 10.40b7 to the b6 using my time capsule I restored X plane from a previous back up and everything went smoothly...well I thought so until today when I realized that several files were not copied. I believe there should be a warning when loading SMP with missing or corrupted files instead I could manage to make a few flights without any problem. So be aware of what happened to me
I uninstalled and reinstalled with the installer and now it works! Really weird though!
I have lost all the clouds they don't show up anymore, my 10.36 installation still works fine but in the latest one or two betas I no longer see clouds even if they are depicted in x plane's weather menu. I still have thunders and rain. I removed the Silverlining plugin and reinstalled the default clouds and everything works again so I assume that there is something wrong with the way the plugin works with 10.40beta. Are you aware of the problem or is it only me? Is there any file I should attach here for you?
Yay!!! Thanks!!! Sometimes the things we don't see are the things right in front of us! Holy cow post #2
Sorry I don't get it...I'm having the same problem with the AP warning don't know if this has anything to do with what Ben just said about Gizmo...anyway, I assigned the AP functions to the Sim commands for plugin in x plane's joysticks assignments and it works as it should, it engages or disengage the AP but if I click a second time to silence the warning nothing happens and if I keep it pressed it reengages the AP. Also if I use the mouse instead to click on the area where the AP and YD levers are nothing happens either, AP goes on or off but the warning is still on. Am I missing something here? Thanks
Thanks GOD!!!!
Hi John is the seasons project still on? Thanks!
For what I see (haven't done a complete long flight yet) the new version has way better clouds they remind me of the first versions. Everything looks stunning! I can tell that this update has been taken very very seriously...LOVE it!!! Thanks!
The issue with the shadows is only on the water, the shadows look unreal maybe you need to put an extra slider to control the intensity so one for ground shadows and one for water shadows. I feel they should be less sharp and defined besides the intensity. For example if you put a cloud layer at 2000' and put your plane much higher than that you will see all these shadows on the ocean right under the clouds actually you will see the clouds, the reflections of the clouds, and the shadows, and the way these three things look when they are together it's not convincing to my eyes. Please look also at Mat's screens I believe he's right about the shadows.
I should have probably done more testing before posting my list of problems with v2 because I just realize that the problem with the excessive saturation of the sky at the horizon is not SMP fault but the result of RTH with the new 10.30b8. I should have tried b8 without SMP first so my fault on this. It appears that RTH now it's all messed up with b8 and one has to adjust the settings again to make it work with beta 8. So I'm only blaming you for the clouds and shadows ok?
Hi guys I'm back here after a long time and want to first say thank you for all your efforts I really appreciate it! Honestly I unistalled SMP long time ago because I was using RTH since the improvements RTH was giving to my flying experience were so much more important than what the amazing SMP was giving instead. I also have discussed here in this forum the possibility that SMP could be implemented with new features such as clouds shadow and v2 came out like an Eastern egg with this awesome surprise for me. I once again want to tell you how much I evaluate your efforts in making this happen! I believe that there is no reason for being enraged with you at all but I believe that the road of simply reporting issues with a moderate tone should be always pursued. Having said all of that I have to agree 1000% with all the other users have reported. And specifically what really popped to my eyes was: 1. The clouds are way too white and without details (greish details) 2. The shadow on the ocean are way off looking exactly like mat's post...very unrealistic. 3. when there are clouds in the sky there is some sort of layer of colors added to the horizon and on the water It is extremely unpleasant! It resembles what RTH does but in a very unrealistic and cartoonish way. 4. Because of the above the overall look of the sky looks like a cartoon indeed. I don't find any problem with the lens flare since it can be deselected and voila' no lens flare. I also find a big fps improvement if compared to the same situation and amount of clouds without SMP. So no... SMP it's not there yet but hey you've already managed to have MOVING clouds (let's all not forget that these clouds are moving) and you've managed to have awesome low fps impact clouds with a good and much improved sunset color transition. I realize how difficult it is to make everyone happy with colors an stuff like that but honestly there are some undeniable facts here that should be addressed and I believe you are really capable of doing that since you came this far. Please: 1. fix the color of the clouds 2. fix the shadows 3. disable the layer of added color saturation to the horizon or make it user selectable Thanks!
With 10.25 this problem was caused by Skymaxxpro with 10.30 this problem occurs without Skymaxxpro. Flywithlua has nothing to do with.
Thanks a lot Tom so in order to get shadows on the ground you must be using other clouds and not those from Skymaxx right?
Oh I see Tom I totally missed the whole thing...but that doesn't answer my question does it? I read the whole thread and got a bit lost on the number of tweaks and updates to the tweaks. Also I don't understand why you're using SMP with all the clouds and other stuff at zero,instead of totally unistalling it...arent you using aerosoft clouds? it would be great if you could recap somehow all the tweaks to the lua files since I don't understand which ones are the latest. Thanks a lot!