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Everything posted by riccardo74

  1. Thanks so much.
  2. Thank you very much guys, I've red it would be available from summer 2013, logically an estimated time release, so any news on possible release?
  3. Sorry guys I can't read entire topic, will be this a free upgrade?
  4. Many thanks Tom. Will we be notified through X-Aviation via email when it will be released?
  5. Sorry guys but I'm getting very confused, can you help me to understand better: MU-2 update 1.5 will or will not be compatible with xp10 64bit?
  6. Hi guys, only now I've seen this post about MU2. I purchased this great aircraft in may, 2010 for V9. Is there any update I have to apply for my older version or the version I purchase din that date is the latest available? Many thanks in advance.
  7. Many thanks Dozer. I use roll trim, but hand pilot this a/c is very difficult. I can't keep a safely straight-in flight. I must activate autopilot for a level flight. What are 1.5 feature update? any rumors?
  8. I purchased MU2 in may 2010. Since that date any other update? I haven't really piloted a real MU2. But I noted in x-plane this aircraft has a BIG tendency to bank to the right and I make a great effort to keep it leveled. Is so difficult as in real one? or maybe I need an update it to fix this problem? Many thanks, Riccardo
  9. ;D you are right Max, I forgot landing checklist ??? This aircraft is yet to new for me
  10. Like title said, hope you like it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nXQvkJuDyw
  11. Great update Tom! And when will be avalilable for donwload? I'm waiting the buil-in ADF.... :-)
  12. Thanks Cameron
  13. @Japo32 is it possible to go more in deep with screenshot regarding FMS? I know the pages is not complete and fixed at all but just only to see how is it complex and detailed. Thanks a lot
  14. Your is a great effort! Work quietly, and release it when it's finished. Custom FMS, all system working, it's fantastic, I look forward to fly it!
  15. Thankyou very much guys, I've apreciated very much your detailed reviews. I'm thinking to buy it, even if I'd like to go more in deep with my MU-2 a bit more before passing to Corvalis. Which are the minor functions not supported by G1000?
  16. MAny thanks Cameron.
  17. Is available somewhere a Cessna Corvalis TT review? I can't found anything. Thanks in advance
  18. You are perfectly right, even if you have to admit that "save panel and FMS" is a usefull feature. This feature can be postponed in future update, it's not mandatory at the release of CRJ in my opinion, but is usefull.
  19. Mmmm ??? ??? but is it possible to make videos with TrackIR and move into the cockpit and x-plane external world?
  20. Which is the default one? Do you move with arrow keys? I have pilotview, but it doesn't permit to move yourselve into the cockpit, but just only to switch from a camre to another one into the cockpit.
  21. Hi guys, your videos on youtube are fantastic, but what kind of "x-plane camera add-on" did you use for CRJ200 videos? Thanks
  22. Wonderfull!
  23. Thanks Cameron, I think it would be very important for many users. If it's not possible at the release date I think many users can appreciate it in future CRJ update.
  24. I'd like to make a question related to the "save panel state and FMS data" during a flight. In many occasions (with MSFS and PMDG 737) I had to stop my flight due to many reasons (long haul flight, too many in front of monitor, and so on..)and when I came back to the flight I loaded the situation but the "panel state" and FMC data inserted before the take-off were lost. So...CRJ200 will save the panel state and FMC data? I hope so, and if you haven't thought about it, could you please take on care? Thanks a lot.
  25. Ok, but at least you could tell us more about "status", in allready in progress or only in developers mind, any possible years of release?
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