3d pit is very important, specially if you fly with trackir. One day x737 will have it. But I was talking about an "all in one" product, with its VC, its own FMC, like 737 PMDG. Like CRJ200 by Javier Cortes, with all its system working, 3d cockpit, FMC. But if you said that xFMC is realistic, and x737 system too I hope that v4 of x737 will be very milestone in x's "heavy" world. The only missing item is 3d cockpit: Benedikt doesn't know a possible release date, so we could wait for a while, for a long time. Do you suggest me to buy xFMC? is realistic? can I update it with monthly Navigraph FMS data? can some one tell me more about x737 and xFMC working together? thanks