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Everything posted by AnonymousUser68

  1. Oneworld special liveries!
  2. There is a hot start option for the a320...
  3. New screenshots of the A330-200 RR have emerged and it's looking spectacular. http://asn-xp.aerosoft.com/?page_id=13362 Enjoy
  4. 6 Months later and it is done Dreamfoil's 407 is an absolute beauty! Burj Al Arab Threading the needle And finally at Tyabb!
  5. Clouds cleared up!
  6. Tulsa to Dallas in the mighty 757-200...
  7. My FPS definitely improved, I am yet to try IFR conditions yet but this is already a brilliant update! Thanks all
  8. That sounds really useful for those of us who spend lots of time at high altitudes with huge visibility! Here are Ben's comparison shots regarding the new high altitude code: http://developer.x-plane.com/2014/03/better-long-range-visiblity-in-x-plane-10-30/
  9. Arrival into Cancun Mexico...
  10. Thankyou for your work Andras! Also thankyou to Chris for hosting the files! I have heard so many great things about HD Mesh and can't wait to see how it looks around my hometown!
  11. KDFW Arrival... SkyMaxx Pro 10/10
  12. Sun coming down on approach. Who else gets to this point and desperately hopes there is a runway on the other side of the cloud? Relief...
  13. I got obsessed with Skycolours and this was the result...
  14. Leaving YBCG for NZAA... Currently on my way to Nadi...
  15. YBCS - YBCG
  16. If you search around the forums you will find Chris hinting at ISDG's YMML. It looks spectacular! Found in "What did you fly today?":
  17. Grey skies at GCLP for leg 23 of Worldflight 2014. Flying the leg for Qantas Virtual as a Worldflight approved team! Letting QFA25 (fixed sim team) go ahead and as the controller said, "he's much bigger than you!" Airborne and out of the low cloud.
  18. A big thanks from me guys!
  19. Yes, screenshot of settings please
  20. Sunset over Indonesia. After hours of darkness I see the reassuring lights of Brisbane. Turning final RWY 01 Parked at the gate 80. 150 hours down and I'm now upgraded to first officer A6-ENO ready to fly another day!
  21. Light winds and good visibility for the 3:30 departure out of WSSS.
  22. Making sure everything is stable at YSSY before Worldflight 2014
  23. SkyMAXX!
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