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Everything posted by sqrt(-1)

  1. I just tried it with my retired Macbook Pro (10.6.8). No problem getting on the Org.
  2. Progress is good. Keep it up! I'd like to fly it someday.
  3. Available right here.
  4. I like it and your work even looks great with simHeaven's z+32-097_USA_Dallas_bc17 loaded beneath it. No orthophoto necessary.
  5. Peter, I like what I see. You've done a really great job with this airport! I have just one question. Might it be possible for you to set the scenery up so that other scenery listed below yours in the scenery_packs.ini file does not show through? The attached screenshots show what I mean. I would prefer not to disable my 'North-America_osm+autogen' if I don't have to. Other airports I have (e.g. KORD) do not have this issue.
  6. Having flown in and out of Meigs a number of times for real (before the Chicago Mayor destroyed it), I look forward to seeing your version.
  7. Might it be possible to set default behavior to start on the paved runway?
  8. Not really a serious issue... When starting the X-Plane or when making a selection from the Quickflight Setup, the aircraft is placed next to the runway as shown in the screenshots. However, when selecting RWY 14R or RWY 32L from the Select Airport menu, all is well.
  9. At work now... I'll grab a screenshot for you when I get home later today...
  10. It's beautiful. Curiously, my aircraft lines up next to the runway instead of on it. Is there something I should look at?
  11. Chris, You keep raising the bar... :-)
  12. Saying the exterior of the R&P777 is 'crappy' is extreme, disrespectful its developers, and merely an opinion of your own. There are plenty of 777 customers, like myself, that truly enjoy it despite its minor blemishes. Sam must obviously have looked at quite a few screenshots of the R&P777 before even determining it to be a viable candidate. He also indicated in his original post the 777 would better fill the void in his inventory of payware. And besides, since all anyone has seen of the XPJ 777 are pretty pictures, how can one be truly sure of its systems? Peter, it's obvious you are enthusiastic about the XPJ, but the point you're missing is that you might actually have an argument if it was available now. Then, a true comparison could be intelligently discussed. But it's been vaporware for a long time with not even an approximate release window, much less a date. It's time for me to go to work...
  13. Beautifully done!
  14. If one is genuinely interested in flying the plane and learning its systems rather than merely examining eyecandy, the flaws are largely irrelevant. Besides, Sam (the original poster) wanted an aircraft for his birthday, not his retirement. You are certainly welcome to keep waiting for the XPJ777 vaporjet. You are young enough.
  15. I own both. The CRJ is certainly prettier and well executed. The 777 has only a few flaws in the grand scheme of things, but it's still a formidible piece of work and well-supported. The OP indicated he already has some smaller jet aircraft, so the 777 would certainly fill a void. Given the amount time I personally have spent waiting for the XPJ777 vaporjet, I feel that the investment in the R&P 777 is still money well spent. I would be willing to bet money the 777 gets at least two more significant updates based on customer feedback before XPJ delivers their first version. If nothing else, time spent learning the 777 systems on a model available right now will be worthwhile. In the event the XPJ actually comes through, and maybe if it's better, a decision can be made at that time to add it to the hangar. This is precisely my plan as well.
  16. Rumors, regardless whether held by large numbers or , are still only rumors. No one is really laughing here either. And the Concorde was a different story altogether. Having flown a round trip on it, I have missed her.
  17. 1. At best, an unsubstantiated rumor. 2. I sure hope not!
  18. Having had AMD CPUs for some time now, I will say that their lack of hyperthreading is not the main problem you run into with a program like X-Plane. It's the single-thread performance and memory bandwidth that is abysmal. AMD CPUs may have their specific application, but IMHO X-Plane is definitely not one of them.
  19. Judging by some of the posts on X-Plane forums, you would think this is what people are still looking at...
  20. "The '57's got long legs and big cans. Gotta love her!" - A friend of mine that is a 757 Cargo pilot I tend to agree with the pilot.
  21. If you were to compare the reviews of equivalently clocked 670s given the same amount of VRAM, you'll find the results to be within typical sampling error margins. There isn't a significant difference. Generally the support from EVGA and ASUS is considered pretty good. Just find the best deal you can.
  22. It's a good thing that this aircraft will be freeware... Not because it may or may not exceed payware quality, even though it very well might; but because the amount of time one wastes reading idiotic posts that have absolutely nothing to do with the development of this aircraft cannot be recovered. Time = money, freeware or not. Let's get back to the topic of this thread (the 787-8), shall we? Please?
  23. No. They must have seen you coming...
  24. sqrt(-1)

    nVidia Titan

    IMHO, I don't think X-Plane 10 will ever be as "easy" on a computer as X-Plane 9 was. I agree that you could never have too much power. But as our friend Crashmax found out, you could have too much GPU given the rest of your computer's infrastructure.
  25. sqrt(-1)

    nVidia Titan

    As one putting together some specs for a new X-Plane machine, I found your post interesting... Given the single thread performance comparison between the 3770K and 3930K, it might actually be the memory bandwidth (dual-channel for the 3770K vs quad-channel for the 3930K) providing the difference in performance. Memory bandwidth of 3770K = 25.6 GB/s; 3930K = 51.2 GB/s
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