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  1. Getting the same type of message in Firefox (*also the Google warning). Probably a false positive, but we'll need to give them time to clear it out.
  2. Finally - Terwilliger's next project! AWESOME!!! He earned his chops with One Six Right - now he's got Harrison Ford narrating and James Horner doing music? How great is that.
  3. I'd humbly state that the statement "LOCK PLEASE!!!!" comes off far more like a demand than an offering of an opinion. But that's just my opinion.
  4. And here I was just about to post something to the effect of Laminar Research having returned to the "crickets" mode of communications....
  5. Who's sump drains could fill up a bucket.
  6. Yessir. Thank you! Ok - I thought the screenshots looked like SketchUp. Thanks! Keep up the good work, -Greg
  7. Chris, As a local to PVD, let me thank you for the work you put in on that scenery. It sure stomps on my "lego brick" version! Out of curiousity, what modeling tool are you using to create these? Not that I have the time to actually get into such custom projects, but I'm interested to know on the off chance I want to dabble. Thanks, -Greg
  8. Of course not! I just have no familiarity with Japan, so the improvements would be lost on me.... This stands in contrast with your North American HD mesh which ratcheted up the realism in areas I am familiar with, making it all the more valuable! That work in Japan is sure to make some people very happy! All in good fun! -Greg
  9. Impressive improvements seen in the before/after shots. Too bad I don't fly in Japan!
  10. Yeah, there's nothing wrong with it. Any downloading method might not be the ideal distribution vehicle for a game which spans 8 dual-layer DVDs, but its otherwise just fine. Never had any issues with it or the titles I've purchased via Steam. From an X-Plane perspective, I'd expect Steam to bring in lots of newbies, which historically has tested the patience of various forums and help communities. It will be interesting to see how it goes. In the end I can't imagine it being anything but a positive for the platform, however it won't be without it's bumps and dust-ups. -Greg
  11. I really wish we could see a map of this event - just to see the actual distances involved. This video is exploding all over the Internet and the headlines and comments it spark range from simply crazy to bat$#!t insane. -Greg
  12. Isn't it fun! I had a network down in Tennessee for some time. Had the FBO at KBNA and a host of others for a while. I sorta miss it down there! -Greg
  13. On the altitude blurries: Remember - you still need a system with the horsepower/capacity to support the change. You'll need plenty of memory to support the additional data being loaded, and plenty of power to make sure it plays nice with everything else. It looks like this change might actually challenge the average 64-bit system's physical memory capacities. I'm happy to see it's being addressed, but the distant visibility blur was a conscious limitation put in place by Laminar, not a bug. My three wishes: >Proper seasons. >More art assets - FAR more art assets. (autogen for better cities and for lego brick expansions for airports) >A bigger budget at Laminar for more full-time developers. (grin)
  14. Most modern flight simulators are not bound to the speed of their storage systems except when it comes time to load a flight. Using a RAM disk might improve scenario loading times, but it won't likely do much to improve actual in-game performance like framerates and smoothness. I believe you would also need to copy your entire X-Plane installation from more traditional storage up into the RAM disk after every reboot, which may end up taking longer than the time you save by using a RAM disk. Heck - give it a shot and report back. I'm just curious what you'll experience.
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