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Everything posted by Lauramks2

  1. Thanks for the knowledge. From what you say, it sounds like anything I set up in the bridge should be deselected in xplane so there are no conflicts. Those not selected in the bridge can be set in Xplane. I agree that probably the best is to start clean again. I do have lua scripts for the radios and I did have a script for the autopilot. Then I used some of the profiles for honeycomb so I see how it might be a mix now. (Which is why I'm not sure what "no 8 and 9 levers (T. Reverse)" means.) On the xplane settings for the honeycomb throttle quadrant, the thrust reverse levers are labeled spot 8 and spot 9. I set those for full on thrust reverse when the levers are pulled to the on position. They both perform this action now so the only issue is the jiggle at low n1 which is easy to avoid for now. One new question if I may? Flying into John Wayne today, I found my course on final showed up as 360 instead of 196 degrees. What I found out the hard way was the left selector switch on my honeycomb autopilot when set to CRS does not change the course setting. All the other options work great. I duplicated on my next flight to be sure. I can change the course with the mouse using the knob in the simulator but not using the button on my honeycomb. Xplane doesn't even address that button at all. Can that be assigned in the configurator? My guess is a reset from a clean start may fix all these. Just trying to understand which codes take priority so I can avoid conflicts. You have been a big help. Sometimes it can be frustrating but I am having a ball learning how to integrate all the systems. I am even starting to feel comfortable flying around. Flew KPSP to KSNA and back today on PilotEdge. Thanks.
  2. Thrust Reverser setup? Originally I had the no 8 and 9 levers (T. Reverse) set up to "toggle thrust reverse". That didn't work so I set them to "100% reverse" (can't remember the term) when I pull the lever. That works great on both engines. On landing I can pull both levers and get TR activated. It is just engine one that jiggles at idle. I eventually thought I could get around the jiggling by not assigning anything to those two levers but it still jiggled. I even tried turning off the thrust reverse switches but I still get a "REV" indication on engine one. I have perused the log file to see if it would give me clues but nothing so far. Thanks again.
  3. Thanks for your response. I recently posted in this forum a question about how these two programs interact. I have been using the honeycomb profile you posted and that seems to work fairly well. I have seen information that suggests that I set all the xplane controls to "do nothing". What I don't understand is does the configurator override the xplane control settings or does it actually set them up? When I first got the honeycomb quadrant, I went into xplane like I normally would and set up all the buttons and levers there. Then I found out about the configurator. The configurator sets up a profile and bridge in xplane 11. I downloaded a profile and installed it in the bridge. Then I copied the bridge program over to xplane 12. If I have the bridge in the xplane 12, should I just delete my Challenger 650 profile in xplane 12? Or should I keep it and make sure all buttons are "do nothing" so that the configurator profile sets the buttons? Is there reference materials that I can view to better understand the interaction? Can I view the configurator settings to know what your profile sets up for each button? I use the first six programable switches for specific views. Here is where I am at now. I have found that the reverser only jiggles when the n1 is under 32% on the no 1 engine. Engine 2 works great and the reverser works great. If I keep No 1 throttle at 33% I can taxi and takeoff per normal. In flight is just need to be careful not to pull that throttle back too far. That has allowed me to fly the plane. Not ideal but ok. One thing I found on your profile is that if I pull the right throttle below the low detent (as if I pull to cutoff) the engine stops! I had to fly a single engine approach into John Wayne the other day when I noticed I had accidently shut it down on short final. Turned out to be easily accommodated but a bit of a shock. No. 1 engine does not do that. I appreciate your input. It really helps. Laura
  4. I am running a profile from the Honeycomb configurator to set up my Honeycomb throttle quadrant. I have seen some notes that suggest I make sure my "other settings are all on None". If I run my Honeycomb profile, should I go into Xplane 12 and set all those hardware settings to none? Does the profile override the xplane settings? Are the profile settings reflected in the xplane settings? How can I know for sure which settings each button is set to perform? Is there a source document I can refer to on the Honeycomb process and how it affects xplane?
  5. I am having an issue with the left thrust reverse lever. I have downloaded your profile and all looks great except for the thrust reverse. As you see in the video, it jiggles and it keeps me from using engine 1. I have reloaded the 650 but that didn't fix. I have used xplane 12 settings to "do nothing" and that didn't fix. I have deleted the AFC_bridge folder and that didn't fix. It seems a config conflict somewhere. Is there a way to trace the conflict? I think I am using the Boeing profile? Would the Airbus be better? Thoughts? jiggy thrust reverse.mp4
  6. Thanks for the help. I tried to fix by reinstalling the 650 but that didn't fix it. That makes me think it is in the Honeycomb settings or the xplane settings. I will look for a conflict somewhere.
  7. I am using xplane 12? Could that be an issue?
  8. I deleted the AFC bridge from the plugins and it still is jiggy.
  9. jiggy thrust reverse.mp4 here is a video of the issue
  10. I just purchased the Honeycomb Bravo and overall I love the hardware. As I was setting it up I came across some profiles and learned about the "configurator" program. After messing around with that program my throttle 1 hardly moves in conjunction with the hardware throttle and the thrust reverser on one keeps getting stuck on. Visually the thrust reverser lever in the sim is coming on and off all the time (jiggling). I am wondering if the AFC Bridge plugin is in conflict with the XPLANE 12 settings for the throttles. It kind of seems like a physical connection issue but I have tried the other throttles on that #2 station and none make a difference. Anyone have some ideas? Not quite ready to return it if I can fix it.
  11. It's not a biggie once you know. It took some concerned research time to figure out while i was running the checklist trying to get launched. I ended up skipping the check and only later stumbled on the solution. Forces the question of would you enter IFR knowing you couldn't turn on the windshield heat. Thanks for the answer and I am sure it will come out in an update later.
  12. Is it just me or what? If I use my mouse to turn on windshield heat and wing anti-ice I have to move my mouse up to get the switch to go down and vice versa. Is this a known issue?
  13. Pils: Thanks you for all the help. Rose Mode: I ran into this before and I can see I have forgotten what that looks like. I thought I was it in. I am working on setting up the memory functions. Those seem really helpful. I have set the copilot up so that I get the checklist on one, the summary page on 2 and a full screen on 3. That helps as I also like to see the chart on the CP side. I will set my Mem 1 so I get the approach in rose mode. I will watch again and try to figure out why the boost in power on one side. I have flown a number of approaches with SPEED engaged and the needles totally centered all the way down final. That is always joyful. I have battled with the ATS a lot on final. Something I am doing is kicking it off. If I see the speed getting slow, i put the throttles up a bit, disengage the FD and reengage the ATS. All that takes time and destabilizes the approach. I super appreciate the time it takes for your review of the video. It helps a bunch. I am getting more comfortable with this aircraft and the depth of the systems makes it fun to learn.
  14. I like these little AHA moments. Nice to know about the 13% split. One issue I had yesterday was I ran the onboard copilot checklist function. I like how I can click down the checklist and have the copilot work the switches. Twice now, I have gotten to the last part of the landing checklist when the copilot started running the go-around checklist which starts with N1-TO. Suddenly my approach is thrown for a loop and I don't have an easy way to stop the checklist from proceeding. Obviously something I am doing is triggering this so I record the flights to self debrief and figure out what is going on.
  15. Yes, I have a three screen setup and I use the pop up controls to make changes easier but the recording only captures the center screen. FPS on most other aircraft is in the 30's. The challenger eats up a lot of FPS. I have had this computer for a couple of years and it was primed for XP11. Even at this FPS it seems to be realistic to me.
  16. It is easy to forget and a timer is great. If it is only a few hundred pounds, I point my left finger to the ceiling, resting on my elbow until I put the button back.
  17. Should disconnecting the Autopilot also disengage the ATS? I had a landing yesterday where I pulled the throttles back but the ATS kept trying to keep Vref+5. After that, at DH I disconnected ATS then the AP so I would have control of the aircraft. What do you think is going on here?
  18. Working on Nav to Nav transfer. I have flown this 4 times in the last few days. Only once did I get the blue ghost needles. From TOAK to Silex it won't descend to 3700? Captured ILS and it flew way left of course? Auto Throttle keeps popping out of SPEED mode on final. Would love to have someone review the flight and let me know. I have conquered pilot and co in the correct FMS/LOC modes but even with that it didn't transfer. Thanks in advance for the help. KOXR to KBUR.mp4
  19. Problem solved. Pilotedge got my transponder yesterday and I made it all the way to Castle. Thanks so much.
  20. Thank you so much. I searched discord but I can see I have more to learn. I copied and pasted the file and will let you know how it goes.
  21. Took off from Van Nuys today with the transponder in TA/RA per the checklist. After TO, ATC (pilotedge) could not see my transponder. I thought I had it in the wrong setting so switched to ALT ON. Still cannot read. Tried all the other modes. No go. If I hit Ident, he could momentarily see it but after that, no readings. Tried all the settings but he could never see me. I had finally mastered the flight to Castle AFB with VNAV up and down. Even got Nav to Nav transfer on my practice flight. I was ready for my first flight on using the 650 on pilotedge. Sadly, vectors back to a visual landing and Van Nuys. Boo Hoo. I have searched the internet and I don't see this issue anywhere, even in this forum. What did I get wrong?
  22. can you send another discord invite? Apparently mine timed out.
  23. PILS: Awesome. thanks a ton for the videos. One thing that caught my eye to start with is how you set up your MFD's/PFD's. Apparently I have to be in the ROSE presentation to see the dashed lines of the upcoming switch to the ILS course and green needles? I have yet to see them even though I saw them on other videos. I may have solved one mystery. I have set mine up so that I am in PPOS. I like how you set up the copilot MFD for a bigger presentation to include the airspace. I am working to find the combinations I like and getting them into the memory locations so I can quickly set up what I need. I am still working to learn the ATS and the VNAV systems. I have been using Garmin G1000 on a Phenom 300 and that seemed intuitive and easy to follow and change. Collins is by far more capable and sophisticated and with that comes a steep learning curve. Watching the videos is instructive and I will try and record my flight and see if I can duplicate it. Thanks for all the help. Laura :-)
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