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Everything posted by maple-syrup

  1. When WILL it be RELEASED!!

  2. It's amazing how much effort your putting into this! If I understand this correctly your also making ground spoilers come up at different times right? BTW your United livery looks amazing! I hope you can release the LITE version by Christmas!
  3. PIE!
  4. PIE!
  5. Have you guys come up with a price range?
  6. TBH i believe the one by c74.net is better but I would like to recemond the Citation Mustang by c74.net over either of the 2.
  7. Saying the "1000" is better is a view of opponion. TBH i would prefer the CRJ-700 over either now that I think about it... I think you guys should continue to make small regional jets. BTW is that A320 thing i saw you guys making still on or what?
  8. Just wondering why did you choose the beaver? Over like the otter or something like that? Btw looking great
  9. Looking really good so far
  10. It's a wonderful scenery! I fly there all the time for CYHZ. Goodluck converting!
  11. Please fix the shape and size of the winglets... They look like they were taken off of a 737NG and taped on! Btw lovely just wonderful plane.
  12. Hi I think you should make a CRJ-900 or a ERJ-145 winglets
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