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Everything posted by JohnMAXX

  1. Were you messing with the config.txt or any other resources inside the plugin folder by any chance? What I noticed during development is if you mess with any of the resources while the sim is running you will get this effect, if you were you will need to restart X-Plane for this to go away....
  2. Let me play tonight and see what I can come up with as far as the second issue. If anyone here is able to replicate the issue a SS would be most helpful.....Personally I haven't ever seen scenery disappear..... Sometimes weather updates are a bit harsh in X-Plane, if the update is drastic wind speed can be reported much higher then the previous report. This would explain how the aircraft can perform differently after an update.... SkyMAXX doesn't effect how the weather is reported, just presents clouds... From what you are telling me I think this is what you are seeing...... If the pause between updates is heavy on your sim, I suggest revisiting your rendering options and SkyMAXX UI options. Elements such as crepuscular rays or water reflections hit lesser systems pretty heavily. Additionally in the rendering options draw distance, shadows, texture resolution and water refections are also heavy hitters.....
  3. This issue is only affecting a few individuals so lets try to isolate the problem, personally I have never had a crash....... Download the latest Gizmo plugin: http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/6350-gizmo64-1401160253/ <<Perform the following steps with default aircraft loaded...>> Ok lets start with setting rendering options down from the X-Plane 10 dialog and from SkyMAXX Make sure your plugins are all properly installed.... Clean out plugins that are not involved with SkyMAXX IE do not remove Gizmo 64 Finally start adding plugins back and monitor the sim...... After you go through this process and if we cannot isolate the reason for a crash try using some add-on aircraft and monitor the situation.... At any point you have a crash please post your log so we can see whats going on.......
  4. Ok...I cant help.......Im not agreeing to the terms and conditions of the site... It takes a few seconds to upload here on X-Pilot.... Harry I see you lurking.....Stop before you start......
  5. Yeah Im not clicking any further to investigate......Upload your log.txt here on X-Pilot....
  6. We will look into the overcast guys...
  7. Our 1.3 release will sync with multiple pc's. Right now clouds will not line up. Stay tuned
  8. I think the username says it all Cameron, we have someone here who likes to poke whenever they can.... Back to Lee, I think you need to really look into your X-Plane install and try to figure out whats going on. Your initial impressions are way out of line with the vast majority of users of SMP. Keep in mind also we are always available to help out, but you will attract more bees with honey over vinegar.....
  9. Your logic is flawed...... Since you are an expert at add-on development and marketing I suggest you get involved somehow to show us greedy profiteers how it is done....
  10. Thats right Harry you and one other person wasted money......Especially when REX is released, which was confirmed BTW in an obsure post at AVSIM. I dont know what we did to you, for you to shower discontent at any oppertunity...... Harry we get it and its getting old.....
  11. We are shooting for automatic......
  12. The whole development crew associated with X-Aviation are fantastic btw. I'm a newbie here myself and happy to be involved with yhe group. Thanks for the kuddos guys it does mean a lot hearing some positive feedback....
  13. Working on it now, expect it in the next release We cannot test it prior so we are going to need your help to get it straight, if need be
  14. We still have a bunch of work to do, but I promise it will be a great add-on.....
  15. I know I had a hand in providing SMP but I agree 100% it makes my XPX pop.....
  16. Smaller or larger not thicker the thickness stays the same..... The cloud details slider will add more "depth" to the clouds but again not thickness......
  17. The clouds do change size but it may not seem so if they redraw closer to the aircraft.. ...
  18. I figure the best way to show you the differences is to give you a series of images......Basically the settings do exactly what they say, they change the sizes of the procedurally drawn cloud puffs..... 1. Setting for both Min/Max set all the way to the right (high) 2. Here is one with the setting set in the middle for both the min/max (medium) 3. And finally set all the way to the left (low) Whats beautiful about these clouds is there is not much difference in the overall appearance, but look at the FPS counter in each image. The same applies to the cloud detail slider.....
  19. Not at all Bruce! Just hoping you can find a solution.....
  20. We are always working towards 100% With that said most are very happy with how SkyMAXX works, keep in mind better cloud representations, better frame rates and a better overall appearance and we do have an understanding that not everyone will be happy..... But we will try.....
  21. Bruced39 did you say you were using NOAA? If you are I once suggested it but problems with that weather injector have become apparent after the release.... I like the NOAA plugin but in hindsight I wish I didn't suggest it for use with SkyMAXX Pro..... You will get better results with default weather......Not perfect by any stretch but I can't suggest using NOAA because of a few problems.
  22. The normals are way to busy right now, I plan on refining them in them as work goes on No access to water in the SDK, I do plan on updating the coastlines as part of the the package and possibly runways...... Id like to have two variations of winter, lets see
  23. Hi rez: http://imgur.com/01R1r5s
  24. Here is one putting it all together......again an early WIP shot....
  25. Ok still working over here, keep in mind I still need to refine a bunch of things......ie: the normal maps are a bit to much right now. Here are two shots with normal maps off/on to show you what it brings to the sim....
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