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Everything posted by JohnMAXX

  1. Ill let the community answer this.... Looking at your specs though I think it is very safe to say you won't be disappointed with the increase over default....
  2. Do the girls come with it?
  3. Yeah welcome to the wonderful world of a "soft ban", as someone who truly likes to walk the line with the community I was shocked that I was also banned in this way. I still show up as a member there but I cannot participate in any discussions, frustrating when you are trying to support a product...... Making a professional decision to work with X-Aviation shouldn't of resulted in that action but oh well what can you do? I got it, be a better person.....
  4. All in good time Tom
  5. Poor Goran....LOL
  6. Never a bother please don't feel that way, your description of the problem was through and helpful even without an error....... I am glad you decided to help us by looking at your setup and doing some "house cleaning" ...... Sometimes thats all it takes.... Also I am glad you are happy with the product..... Please if you have a problem never hesitate! With that said we are holding up 1.3 with some code changes thanks Jose . We have a good base of happy customers but we want all of our customers happy........ I just realized how much I like periods.............................................. LOL
  7. Yeah you got to be careful with texture resolution, I highly suspect he edited the "wispy" textures inside the resources folder, I think his look neat BTW We are releasing our own set with a different approach than his which are optimized...... I don't mind people editing those textures, but I do mind if they create a performance hit and I am left trying to figure out why your FPS tanked without knowing so be careful Yep thats were all the mobsters bury bodies, oh wonderful New Jersey....LOL
  8. Live preview Oh BTW all these shots are with HDR off.......
  9. Cool thanks for the input......
  10. OK here are a few themes I have in the works, some are mild tweaks and some are pretty extreme......I hope you enjoy:
  11. More then likely you will have to remove your orthos......but I haven't tested to see if we can override them yet
  12. Sure dude, I am busy with kids and all but it would be cool to meet up with someone from the community......
  13. I use to live in Deptford so I know that area..... Currently Im near McGuire AFB in the middle of the Pine Barrons..... I grew up in Philly I am the usual Philly to NJ transplant
  14. Tony I hope you do get some community participation for this project, it is coming along very nicely.......
  15. Thanks! Where a bouts in New Jersey? Just noticed your location....
  16. Wait for 1.3 to drop I updated a few textures for that purpose.......
  17. Jose, I can understand your frustration but we are willing to help you sort through your problem. Stating that X-Plane crashed after a few hours pointed to the Gizmo memory leak issue that has since been resolved. The link above contains that new version of Gizmo. It is very likely this is what caused your sim to crash..... In addition you are part of a small group of people having issue with SkyMAXX and its safe to say that the huge number of people who adopted this add-on have been very pleased with the impact and performance it has on X-Plane 10...... Please allow us to to continue to help you resolve your issue.........
  18. Have you tried the updated Gizmo plugin? This fixes a small memory leak........
  19. Glad you saw the humor, I can be a bit off-beat sometimes
  20. I knew that was a shot in the dark, thanks for giving it a go It is possible you have an older version, but I am not familiar with his aircraft and how he handles updates, you may want to contact him or the org to find out......
  21. Jose, Let me more clear, I have two PC's and a bunch off add-ons for X-Plane I spend a lot of time testing different conditions in the simulator to try and make SkyMAXX Pro crash for the purpose of making sure we have a solid product. My professional career is as a medical device repair person, which relates to this post. To date I have never seen a crash of SkyMAXX on either of my systems both MAC and PC. Back to my full time job, this happens all the time, a nurse will put a post-it note on a piece of equiment stating broken. Ill goto the director of that section of the hospital, professionally, and begin to explain the importance of giving me feedback so I can be better at my job. Sarcastically I will add, if the director is a person I can speak frank to, a doctor wouldn't put "sick" on a patients chart. This usually helps me solidify my point. Back to SkyMAXX Pro, I cannot sit by your computer and diagnose the problem for you, I need help from those having issues. We strive to have the best global add-ons for X-Plane and we enjoy being part of the community but not getting the full picture leaves us throwing darts at the problem. And I would hope you saw the value in SkyMAXX thats why you bought it, we rely on your support...... The total amount of variables at play are tremendous and if we start to see a common add-on or rendering setting or location....son on and so on we can start to pinpoint where the problem is and give you a fix...... Without that we can just make a few educated guesses and hope we hit the target........
  22. We are sorry for your loss.....
  23. Back to again opening the aircraft in PlaneMaker and saving it. Might be you have an older version not setup for X-Plane 10. It is a shot in the dark but worth giving it a go
  24. Driver issues?
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