Jose, Let me more clear, I have two PC's and a bunch off add-ons for X-Plane I spend a lot of time testing different conditions in the simulator to try and make SkyMAXX Pro crash for the purpose of making sure we have a solid product. My professional career is as a medical device repair person, which relates to this post. To date I have never seen a crash of SkyMAXX on either of my systems both MAC and PC. Back to my full time job, this happens all the time, a nurse will put a post-it note on a piece of equiment stating broken. Ill goto the director of that section of the hospital, professionally, and begin to explain the importance of giving me feedback so I can be better at my job. Sarcastically I will add, if the director is a person I can speak frank to, a doctor wouldn't put "sick" on a patients chart. This usually helps me solidify my point. Back to SkyMAXX Pro, I cannot sit by your computer and diagnose the problem for you, I need help from those having issues. We strive to have the best global add-ons for X-Plane and we enjoy being part of the community but not getting the full picture leaves us throwing darts at the problem. And I would hope you saw the value in SkyMAXX thats why you bought it, we rely on your support...... The total amount of variables at play are tremendous and if we start to see a common add-on or rendering setting or location....son on and so on we can start to pinpoint where the problem is and give you a fix...... Without that we can just make a few educated guesses and hope we hit the target........