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Everything posted by i<3xplane10

  2. @ 0:12 That guy is extremely lucky to be alive.
  3. It's been a while.
  4. i<3xplane10

    JRollon Releases BAe Jetstream 32

    Dear Santa...
  5. Wonderful!
  6. I find it interesting though because I have had none of these problems previously even with all of these plug ins installed.
  7. It's weird. I can start with any plane I want and then switch to the crj but after I switch from the crj to another aircraft X-plane crashes.
  8. Here Log.txt
  9. Hi! Today unfortunately I have been having a bit of a problem, after selecting my aircraft, x-plane would suddenly crash. I wouldn't think it is my system specs because they plane I used previous was The crj-200 and it was running 25-30 fps. Any ideas?
  10. I used to use FSX. I liked it, until I stumbled across X-plane 10. There is really nothing default FSX has against X-plane. The long argument has always been that FSX has better add ons like PMDG, but finally X-plane add on developers have closed the gap. I have now been using X-plane for about a year.
  11. Pictures of the new PA11 at GCHI and a picture of a Harrier I just had to add.
  12. Thank you so freaking much. *****
  13. I was a user of FSX and I know for sure that this is probably the worst add on for $30.
  14. Given your system specifications I don't think you have major frame rate problems.
  15. Photos of the wonderful YPAD photo scenery.
  16. Thanks, I will try this.
  17. The AV8B (which i took the time myself to weaponize). I decided to do some air to air combat with it as well.
  18. Is there any way to remove these "exclusion zones".
  19. I have roads on extreme.
  20. These roads disappear even on perfectly flat land.
  21. 747-400 at TNCM.
  22. For a while now I have been flying around certain areas where the roads just seem to disappear, however i know they're supposed to be there ( such as the dense roads near LOWI which aren't appearing for me). If anyone has any ideas that would be fantastic. I am using XP10.20b3
  23. Flying around CYXX in the CRJ-200.
  24. A 747-400 full of Doritos EDIT: I made this picture using photoshop AT SCHOOL!
  25. I like the website, however when I saw the download button for the 787 I clicked that button as fast as I could. Then i realized its not for download. You might want to fix that. That aside, you made a really nice website.
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