I have a long customer history with PMDG. Their first product was a B747-400 manual for the B747-400 PS1 sim. If you ever wondered where the name comes from. Next in line were some Boeings for FLY!, 757, 767, 777. They had a strictly MSFS-never attitude. After FLY! vanished the went the MSFS ways.
I think they are smart. The products are good but they sell very good because they produce what the virtual pilots are after. It's more easy to sell planes that "we have flown on" in real life. Who ever did an airplane vaccation, PMDG has the vitual counterpart. I guess that is what makes them so famous.
Currently we have planes in our X-World with the same quality, or even better. And many of them sell because of pure quality, not because they are famous in the real world. Two planes I fly ae good examples, the Jetstream and the MU-2, never flew on them or even walked close to them. I think it's important to know that PMDG does not want to serve the X Plane community. They want to sell products and they will always be where the money is.
Same about their groupies. They don't care about the sim, they want PMDG.
Like many others I'm an FSX convert. I had their 737NGX installed. It's a nice plane but nothing special.
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