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Everything posted by RenatoSampaio

  1. totally agree. Thank you for expressing what I have been thinking... I also have this expectation too.
  2. On final approach, a gizmo64 console screen appears out of nowhere, after which I lose control of the aircraft, it no longer respects my commands, the feeling that the hydraulic systems have been deactivated out of nowhere. detail, I did not pre-configure any failure. Follow my log attached. Log.txt
  3. @LitjanFirst of all, good evening, I'm really enjoying the aircraft, but I still feel that it's very basic, as I can't do certain procedures like Hold, offset, etc., could you answer some questions? First, any predictions on when they will implement HOLD on the aircraft and the FMS? because I try to set up a hold at a certain fix, I can't, these are very necessary procedures for those who fly on the IVAO and VATSIM networks.Second, I also cannot reduce the indicated speed manually without VNAV active, is there any provision for the aircraft to perform a VNAV following restrictions and the ideal descent, but with manual speed interference by the pilot?third, the better pushback plugin is not doing the pushback as it should, it does not follow the pushback prealignment
  4. ok I understand, but in this context of TOGA in this situation on the other forum, it is something more general, the documentation for the new IXEG 733 is very specific and says that there is a TOGA COMMAND, for example the ZIBO 738, there is a specific command of its own It, as shown in the image, uses general and standard xplane commands.
  5. @LitjanHow can I assign it to the TOGA command? I can't find the custom command for this in the XP12 settings. the manual says that there is the command: "ixeg/733/autopilot/TOGA" but I can't find this specific command in the xp12 control settings tree
  6. Everything is ok here, I just had no sound when logging in the first time with the license, right after restarting the simulator, it was fine. If you use xorganizer, don't forget to enable the gizmo plugin
  7. but how do other aircraft, like the toliss for example have the wx system?
  8. for me the challenger 650 is the best study-level aircraft on the market, among all simulators including, in addition to having a great design and avionics, the study-level aircraft is perfect even for those who are students of aeronautical engineering. what is missing is just the weather radar system and the wipers, only these details make the challenger the perfect aircraft.
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