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  1. Thanks for the quick reply Ben. Much appreciated!
  2. I updated to Windows 10 1803 this morning and when I next opened X-Plane, the X-Aviation update licence window opened asking for my email address and password but would not allow any input. When I opened the Gizmo plugin and attempted to change my preferences - same sort of thing - the preferences were all listed but there was no tick box and clicking on anything did nothing. What have I done to break this?
  3. This is 12+ months after that last post but I need some pretty basic help. I am running XP11.05rc2, the current stable version. I bought the MCP Pro yesterday from the GoFlight stand at FlightSim2017 (RAF Cosford, UK) and my problems started when I got home. My mobo only has USB3 on it and the GoFight guy did not tell me that the MCP does not work when plugged into a USB3 port. I downloaded the PollyPot GIT software and interposed a USB2 hub between the MCP and my computer. I downloaded some profiles from GoGlight - Slayer's work - for the IXEG 733, the FlightFactor 752 v2 and Zibo's update to the Laminar 738. After much struggling and importing the profile for one of the A/C, the MCP now lights up but none of the buttons/switches/knobs has any effect. Is there anyone out there SUCCESSFULLY using the mcpPro with XP11 and having the same USB3 issue as me?
  4. OK. 'fess up time! I was not checking the initial trim setting. It is set all the way down at the bottom initially. Once I put it to T/O setting everything is OK. Sorry for wasting your time guys but in the end I learned a valuable lesson about making assumptions. Thanks to all of you above.
  5. Thanks mfor. I need to do some more work on this. My config is always all good. Flaps 5 (and in FMC) trim well in the green, speedbrake fully retracted, parking brake off. 1) I heard the trim wheel noise but did not realise what was happening. When the A/C starts to move, the trim wheels spin madly and set trim to zero. This would appear to explain the horn and the difficulty in getting the A/C up to a height where I can activate LNAV, VNAV and AP1, at which time trim resets in the green and the horn silences. Cannot see what causes this at this time. 2) When I take off with standard config and nothing put into the FMC there is no problem. I can takeoff, activate TOGA and with AP1 on can fly manually or using the MCP.. No horn and no trim issues. Can't believe I am missing something in programming the FMC since I follow the same checklist/procedures that I have used since Day 1! My "test" flight uses the same flight plan, a physical config that matches your list above, and identical FMC planning every time! As it is I am happily flying the IXEG 733 in XP11.02 (stable) and when I have time I'll look at 1105r1 again.
  6. To make a clean start, I made a fresh installation of both XP11.02 and 11.05r1 (stable and beta respectively). Into both of these I installed IXEG 1.2. Using the same checklist and procedures for the 733 that I have used successfully ever since I bought IXEG 1.0 when it was released, and a simple flight from EGFF to EGCC (BCN N864 MONTY) with the same SID (BCN1A) and STAR (MIRS1A via MIRSI) I have different results. This is the flight that I use to check out all my A/C purchases. In 11.02 the flight is always successful. In 11.05r1, as soon as the engines spool up past 50% the horn goes off. If I powere them down it silences but come on again when I re-spool up. I can however engage TOGA and take off although there appears to be an associated delay in LNAV becoming available (but I might be wrong in this). Eventually the horn silences and I can activate LNAV, VNAV and AP1 and the flight proceeds normally. I am a little bewildered since 11.05 was supposed to be mainly new airports. I see nothing in log.txt or gizmolog.txt to explain why the horn sounds and my config is exactly the same in both instances. The only thing I haven't had time to try is taking off from a different airport. Anyone had similar issues or can offer an explanation?
  7. Good work. Can't wait!
  8. I posted just now that I could not install 3.2.2 but having checked again I discovered I had a bad download. I re-downloaded 3.2.2 and it installed perfectly, as did RWC. Can't see how to delete the original post! Sorry!!
  9. MikeyT

    X-Crafts Releases v1.1 Update for E175

    The only option I have under gizmo64/Windows is "Gather windows" - no hotifx option there. Any idea what's wrong with my setup? Gizmo is version15.12.22.1106 from december last year. Maybe there's a later version somewhere?
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