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About the_papy

  • Birthday 11/11/1975

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  1. thx for you quick response Goran i waiting the response
  2. Hello, do you use TCAS Hack' for view all real plane from Global Traffic?, if not, can you make possibility to add this fonction?
  3. Grand merci vous avez gagné un nouveau client
  4. Thanks but my question is for the mesh ortho sorry for my bad question , you g1000 read the mesh from ortho4xp now? I think I l read maybe latter it’s exact?
  5. Anyone person confirm is the vision pfd on g1000 work with orto4xp?
  6. Hello, synthetic vision on pfd work with ortho4xp 1.3 now? Or need use altpilotx Mesh v4 with Ortho4xp
  7. 16 giga ram... go up to 32, maybe disk swap, and sorry but 1060 .. why buy 1060 for.. plz seek on forum before . You configuration is light
  8. Use software : process lasso and test it all processus on processor 0 and 1 and only x-plane on all other processus seek tuto on YouTube , It’s the solution for you
  9. It’s the same for me.alls days I see on the forum and waiting stable version before buy it. I’m happy for the support. It’s really quick reaction.
  10. Hello, i do no view powerline in xplane, i use you config_hd wat is the solution for view powerline plz? v 0.7.2 Thanks
  11. Its commercial.. More you waiting.. More you want buy.. Psychologie of money , its normal
  12. wait do is give people the attraction, desire, it is a method of bisness many people wait for , possible max money when is launch , all its bisness
  13. Big thanks
  14. the same , if its possible
  15. i dont support piracy ! if you invented car name Ford , its piracy invented car Fiat? "its the same" just other company . there always a first in an invention. The others follow or improve. it is the same our world2xplane and osm2xp you dont think ? osm2xp its no free... World2xplane its better and free now but i buy it after if really improve performence with more graphical house and disign. its concurence , Windows or linux .. I do not question maxx-fx but honestly you just made ​​one single basic setting after it's over .. If maxx fx changes the settings automatically from a curve of light and shadow to be met, after hours day or dusk then I would say there is a big positive.
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