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Everything posted by Daac

  1. I ran the OSM file from http://download.geofabrik.de/australia-oceania/new-zealand.html in W2XP and installed to my custom scenery folder.
  2. That did the trick, thank you. I also found this which was helpful: http://world2xplane.com/2014/05/21/scenery-order-in-x-plane/ I look forward to the success of this program!
  3. Thanks, Tony. Where does the world-models library reside within custom scenery? I don't see mention of it in the qhttp://world2xplane.com/2014/03/12/quick-start-guide/uick start guide and have missed it with a search of the forums.
  4. I successfully converted New Zealand, but get an error when loading it in the sim. Please, review my log.txt and let me know what I'm doing wrong. Thank you. Log.txt
  5. I successfully converted New Zealand, but get an error when loading it in the sim. Please, review my log.txt and let me know what I'm doing wrong. Thank you.
  6. Goran, thank you. There is no need to explain any further. You all set the standard with the Saab. I look forward to future aircraft with the same fidelity. Take care...... and a well earned vacation.
  7. Team LES, the Saab 340A is without a doubt my favorite aircraft in XP10. Thank you! I was looking at it in plane maker, not to make changes, just to see what the SFC was, and noticed that the critical altitude was 8500'. If Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) is the same at "low altitude" or "high altitude" for turboprops and critical altitude is 8500' (max altitude at which the engine can put out its maximum allowable power), but the service ceiling is 25,000', why would one ever want to fly above 8,500'? I interpret this to mean that as long as terrain and ATC aren't issues, I would want to fly no higher than 8,500'. I suspect that I really need to learn to read the charts, something I've never had to do. Thanks for your enlightening explanations.
  8. Goran, Thanks to the team for this fantastic plane! What does the heading knob do when rotated left/right versus up/down in the previous picture? I thought up/down might control vertical speed, but am not finding that to be true. Again, thanks for this wonderful model which raises the bar exponentially higher.
  9. Who's going to be the first to post the brand new Saab 340A?? Downloading now.........
  10. What's that AEW doing over NorCal? They look great!
  11. +1
  12. Yes, DDMMYYYY. We are discussing the same date....
  13. Maybe, there's room for collaboration with Cekko on the EMB-120 and separate development on the B190. Here's hoping that the SF34 is released on 04072013, if not sooner.
  14. Thanks for making this airport, Colin!
  15. Check out http://www.fseforums.com/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=81124&posts=1&start=1 regarding the BRA Aircraft Cooperative. This may be just what you're looking for. Also, like woweezowee said, you change the alias for the JS32 to map to the JS31. The JS32 is the same aircraft with a more powerful engine. Simply enter "British Aerospace JS31" from the plugin. Now you can fly the JS32.
  16. That's about all I fly unless I'm flying a heavy. It provides purpose with a financial challenge.
  17. While I patiently wait for the Saab, I too, would love to see a Basler BT-67 version of the DC-3, someday. I would gladly pay for the option, as well. Cheers
  18. Your work is incredible. LR should contract you. Thanks for making our flying world a lot better!
  19. Daac

    Q400 problems.

    Try loading the Q400 in 32 bit, not 64 bit X-Plane. X-Plane 10.20 is still BETA. Consequently, Laminar advises all 3rd party developers not to update their plugins until 10.20 goes final. If this is happening in 32 bit, please, post your log.txt.
  20. I'll add the ATR72-500 from Aerosoft/McPhat Studios works in 64 bit XP10.
  21. Amazing!! How are the frame rates?
  22. Please, don't forget BC and Alaska. Bush flying at its best.
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