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Everything posted by Anthony615

    could u please make a delta airlines one please
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  1. Got it I also have some on my pc from the site that they took down I have all of them lol for got I had them on my phone also lol
  2. https://prnt.sc/lBeY8VXnmK-z
  3. you have to sign in to site
  4. Thay took it down
  5. i found the whole flight manual and your welcome https://cockpitseeker.com/aircraft/cl60/
  6. same for me like hot fixes basically
    AMAZING JUST WOW keep up the great work
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  7. I found a 650 cabin manual enjoy challenger_650.pdf
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  8. Add more fuel including if u need to go around and if u need to hold
  9. yes i reccamend rob hammers youtube
  10. Can someone please make this Wisconsin livery for the cl650
  11. Keep at it man
  12. Any updates for this
  13. Will all of my liverys still be installed after I reinstall the plane
  14. How do you make the copilot do the checklists automatically so you don't have to do it
  15. It will be coming soon in a another update
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