Greetings to all the members on this community, I'd like to adress an issue that is the most important of a airplane and it is: Performance, since the beggining of this beatiful TOGASIM product there has been a problem with how the TPE331-10-501M/-511M performs, basically the power levers get to the mehcanical stop very early in the climb, in real life that's not the case, the turbines will limit by torque and later by EGT depending on the conditions and is the pilot's work to manage those limit with the power level wich will have plenty of room for movement (if you take them to the top you just blow the TPE).
this not only make the operation of the engines a fake situation but most important affects the performance of the plane, right now we have a MU2 with a performance of a Twincommander 690 whith -5 TPE's engines
255/265 TAS
The MU is a 300kts TAS plane.
So far it's imposible to make a "real flight" beacause there isnt a reference for what the model do.
I know it's hard for the developer but I think that in a simulation the reality is a lot, a very big lot more important than looks or details that make users "confortable"
the plane is the way it is and it should be portrayed as.
this gorgeus model is just to one step to be perfect and to be one of the most iconic products ever produce to Xplane.
Isaac Martínez
AC90 pilot