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Everything posted by 1nf

  1. Hi, Will this go straight on discount post-update like the MU-2? Thanks
  2. Hi, would you be able to provide the old XP11 version as well?
    Absolutely beautiful livery. Excellently made with the metallic stripe
  3. Hi, have you checked out the StableApproach plugin? It can be really useful for assessing your approach with criteias such as glideslope deviation if on an ILS with a ton of other features. It also has a config tuned for the CL60 that should automatically download when you load up the challenger. However this plugin focuses on the numbers and wont really give your "passenger satisfaction survey" that you want. The only plugin that I am aware of that might do this is PACX by TFDi but I have 0 experience with this plugin and its paid so you would need to do some research into that.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This livery is based off the real life CL-605 registered C-FGRS, however it's very generic which means you can assign any reg you want to it using the dynamic registrations. Huge thanks to Goran and everyone else in the Hot Start discord for helping me learn how to create this.
  5. View File C-FGRS - Clean Black Livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650 This livery is based off the real life CL-605 registered C-FGRS, however it's very generic which means you can assign any reg you want to it using the dynamic registrations. Huge thanks to Goran and everyone else in the Hot Start discord for helping me learn how to create this. Submitter 1nf Submitted 08/08/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
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