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Everything posted by maletin

  1. i was told to reinstall my download, but it did not work. now i updated gizmo64 and i get the following message:
  2. have you read the fine manual? http://wiki.vacc-austria.org/index.php?title=LOWI_for_pilots#2._LOC_DME_West_Approach Make sure you have the localizer OEJ 109.70 tuned and receive a signal before leaving KTI (If not, report to ATC and expect vectors to RTT NDB for a LOC DME East approach). [...] No, there is no glideslope - descend with v/s or manually.
  3. You don't have a github-account? May I send you modifications? The first modification belongs only to the digists: https://github.com/maletin/X-Plane-CRJ2-FMC/commit/afc4f5ecb52446d4189d5f5950ae1027b1adcf3e
  4. how many flight models per frame do you use? http://wiki.x-plane.com/Chapter_5:_X-Plane_Menus#Flight_Model
  5. are you sure, you started the engine after N1 reached 15%? something else, if both engines are envolved: are you sure, the reverse-axis was absolutly at the limit?
  6. why is there so much space between the keys? when i hit the numbers at the top, i often get no key. i would prefer to get the wrong number from the row above. is it easy to increase these areas?
  7. please turn gravity xflow off before you move the plane. this should be corrcted in the manual. http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/3119-fuel-transfer-to-one-side/
  8. http://www.7-zip.org/
  9. The filename is LEVC_AKESOFT_febrero-2011.7z
  10. it would be nice to have a CHANGELOG. I believe, there is a difference and I found a relevant http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=58385&p=644885'>thread at x-plane.org.
  11. i'm flying with vatsim => i'm using 32bit x-plane. "Index -> Status" reports "program NS 1.4.5-aee94cb". So the right question may be: is there a difference between 1.4.5 and 1.5.2? I tried two hours to add the fixes and holdings, but i will try it again with http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/63223-2013-01-20-crj-200-vatsim-lowi/#entry450731'>klaus74.
  12. i still have the same problem with: crj-200 1.5.3 x-plane 10.20.beta11 32bit win7 64bit but the version 1.5.3 is more or less 1.4.5 with 64bit-support. my friend with version 1.5.2 does not have this problem.
  13. this must be the oher place: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=64579&p=706890
  14. i think, i had the same problem in the past. i now use an own axis for "reverse". below 80 knots i put reverse and toggle to idle/none (i had to calibrate the axis, that there is really no thrust left). below 40 knots my rpm is low enough and i use a button to turn off reverse. by the way: data.x-plane.com is using NAVDATA 2012.08 today. do you really use 1212? and jrollon 1.5.2 delivered NAVIGRAPH 1208? i thought it was 1108, but i'm not sure. x-plane 10.11 crj 1.5.3 navigraph 2012.10
  15. The X-Plane Joystick-Axis Configuration-Page has a Axis called "Nosewheel Tiller". See page 19 of 60:
  16. Here is my example: http://youtu.be/k6GN6097Bks CRJ-200 1.5.3 for X-Plane 10.11 Direct to DEGES. Current Position is now called LOWI. Holding over DEGES and ROLSA. After not entering DEGES: Deleting DEGES. The HOLD-page shows now ELMEM (and old Waypoint).
  17. in general you are right, but in my case it was not that simple. if nobody else confirm this problem, i will try to find the simliest example to reproduce this problem.
  18. thank you to help me to made this clear: i have my first holding at fix ELMEM, than i add holdings for ZUE or current position PPOS. later i exit a holding and maybe i deleded a holding and before i enter the holding ZUE, i click on the hold-page. there i see "ELMEM" as fix again. this is it, what i mean with outdated. i think, i use airac october 2012 without problems.
  19. i know this topic is old and at least crj-200 1.4.5 must have solved this problem. i testet "159/R" successfully with 1.5.3 and "/R" is enough to modify the turning direction.
  20. i have some problems when i use more than one holding. sometimes the holding name is outdated at the hold page. a the leg page it looks correct but the holding is ignored or the exit knob is missing. maybe this is related: when i use the "DCT INT" page to enter a direct, i see a new FIX at the current position. this new fix get a label from my route (very confusing). does anybody have the same problems or do you need an example video? crj-200 1.5.3 x-plane 10.11 32bit win7 64bit
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