It turns out that for the Piaggio specifically, it includes a subdirectory with a zip file inside that includes the runtime files needed to install in your primary X-Plane
plugins folder.
Isn't that hilarious? The author of the Piaggio stated that it wasn't there, but I was looking around, and it's there.
Anyways, my complaint was not that I can't have a free aircraft (WAH! POOR ME!) my complaint is that I'm a new X-Plane aircraft maker of freeware aircraft and wanted to evaluate this thing to see if I want to use it. We had been discussing SASL versus GIZMO over on .org's plane maker sub forum.
But I'm distinctly displeased not only with Ben's attitude towards me, but also the way he treats other people on threads on these forums. It seems to me that Gizmo is a one man show, and I'm not a big fan of that one man's attitude or vibe. You remember that kid who wants to take his marbles and go home, when you were in grade three. Yeah that.
The Piaggio is a great draw to the X-Pilot site as it's literally one of the nicest freeware aircraft out there for X-Plane. However, I do not much like the Gizmo process of being a main-XPlane-resources folder plugin, I would much rather it be a per aircraft plugin, but perhaps that's not possible. Whatever, it works.
Strike two is lack of Linux support, as I want to provide all three. Strike three, is it seems that freeware use is probably not a great idea, as the focus seems to be for payware authors, and if you want to use it, you use it at Ben's discretion and if and only if he says so, which seems like not a great fit if being thought of as an alternative to SASL, which it's basically not.