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  1. What goes in the "send to" afterthe code?
  2. Did you check for ice contamination? Looking at the SAT that is the likely culprit.
  3. I believe that's the gear door safety. You can't remove it if it's under hydraulic pressure. make sure the gear switch on the outer panel is not in the up position. Also you really should have the hydraulics off when you're going in there
  4. Interesting, thanks for the reply. One more thing to look forward to in X-Plane 12.
  5. Anyone else using X ATC Chatter having it seeing the Challenger at the wrong altitude? It always thinks I'm higher than I actually am. Sometimes as much as several thousand feet. I do use Active Sky X for weather injection. I searched some X ATC Chatter forums but with no luck. Thanks
  6. OK thanks, guess I'll just wait for the next release
  7. Wanting to update to the current version as of 5/2/22. Could anyone comment on whether this behavior has been corrected in the current download version? Thanks
  8. Well the good news is it is all working now but the bad news is I have NO idea why. Other than it's a day later so a complete restart for the computer and X-Plane I did everything like usual and it magically worked. Anyway....... thanks for the replies sunake, Pils, and sinonquoi. Guess this can be marked Solved with an asterisk Steve
  9. Yes, as matter of fact I got one number working for the overhead but can't make any more work. Using the same method as always ( set view...CTRL/ NUMPAD#...to save).
  10. Can't seem to assign cockpit views to NUMPAD keys like other x-plane aircraft. I have x-camera disabled and I'm sitting in the pilot seat. Am I missing something??? Steve EDIT: This is with v1.3.1
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