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Everything posted by RojanTrojan

  1. Excellent work! Love that IXEG livery at the end of the video too. Rhydian
  2. Thanks for doing this test. Even with HDR off Skymaxx makes X-plane look like a completely different simulator on times. Spectacular add-on. Rhydian P.S Holy cow redpiper your system specs are mental!
  3. Hi, I just bought Skymaxx Pro and had the exact same problem. No clouds, nada. But.... Changed a few setting on Skymaxx configuration and re-started X-plane 10 and BOOOOOM! CLOUDS!!!! This add-on is brilliant. The crepuscular rays are like nothing I have ever seen before. Well John and Sundog team et al. Rhydian
  4. Thanks for the clarification Tom. Rhydian
  5. Hi Hueyman, Your concept sounds very similar to Bohemia Interactive's Take On Helicopters. It uses the Arma2 graphics engine and physics, has missions similar to what you have described, have you tried something like this? http://helicopters.takeonthegame.com/ Cheers Rhydian
  6. Jan makes it all look too easy! Out of curiosity, can the nose wheel tiller be operated as a separate axis or is it linked to the rudder axis? Thanks, looking forward to part 5, FMS and Weather radar... Rhydian
  7. That pic is INSANE! Well done IXEG team.
  8. Gosh I never thought about that. That's a very good point. Rhydian
  9. On the subject of 'classic', I do miss the classic sound of the JT8D engines on the 100 & 200 variants. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52lyfGJDwxI Such a beautiful 'whine'! Rhydian
  10. :o Holy Gazoombas! Now that is very detailed.
  11. Supreme detail Airbus!
  12. Now, by other stuff, I do hope you mean packets of dry roasted peanuts for every seat! Right? Come to think of it do airlines even supply packets of peanuts these days? Excellent stuff though fellas. Some serious texturing finesse shown here. Rhydian.
  13. Whoaaaa!!!!! Superb stuff. Rhydian
  14. What the??? Blimey that looks great!
  15. Gosh that looks very, very detailed. Out of interest, how are the audio side of things coming along? Rhydian
  16. That is looking great Morten. Rhydian
  17. Ahh I see Tom. Credit to Nils for some outstanding work.
  18. Thanks Jan that makes perfect sense. I read somewhere that they tripled the critical systems on the 777! 'A back-up of a back-up of a back-up'! Rhydian
  19. Superb texturing Tom. I'm glad that the extraordinary attention to detail is continuing in the rest of the cockpit. IXEG team are doing a great job here. @Jan, really enjoyed that video. They certainly serve as a good reference for training on such a complex aircraft, maybe the links to these youtube video should find themselves in the manual also? What I am trying to get my head around is when you would use the 2 Flight control computers (FCC) in flight. I have used the CMD A coupled with CMD B for a dual channel approach (autoland) (in the PMDG 737NG in FS) with success. But what I have never understood is when to alternate A and B in regular flight. Would CMD B be linked to the FO's side of the aircraft? Is that how it works? That would probably explain why I would only fly with CMD A, as on every occasion in any flight simulator I am the only pilot flying the plane. How about that to make my virtual passengers nervous! Looking great IXEG. Rhydian
  20. Yes I agree, it still looks absolutely superb even in 2013. The modelling and texture work was ahead of its time in my opinion. Rhydian
  21. Whoaaa! That looks really good Chris. I reckon X-plane has come in leaps and bounds over the past few months, with regards to LR and third party development. We're just scratching the surface of what XP10 can do. Rhydian
  22. Wonderful news Pete. Congrats to you. Expecting our first child and its under a month to go. Bought a HOTAS thrustmaster a few days ago, asked the wife for it for my birthday, she told me "use it while you can". I have a strange feeling she's right. Grrrr... Cheers Rhydian
  23. 1 more... with the rain effect.
  24. Hi all, Alan Fletcher (developer) gave me a preview of his soon to be released freeware, Cessna 2D wide panel project (should be released Saturday morning). It's a superb, high resolution 2D panel that is crystal clear with very smooth, easy to read gauges. It's been immense fun to fly. It features a slick tabbed interface on the left hand side for quick access to normal and emergency checklist and flight conditions. It also has some nice features like working fuses, flight planner, animated propeller, throttle and mixture, ice and rain effect on the windshield among others. Has some superb sounds too.Quite frankly it kind of knocked me for six when i started it up. Cheers Rhydian
  25. Those engine nacelle texture are insane!!! Well done IXEG team. This looks like it is really shaping up! Rhydian
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