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Everything posted by Skyguider

  1. Thank you!
  2. I can confirm the same, I played with the settings all day but there us no change at all in FPS, no matter what you do with the textures, HDR, pluggins delete etc, I keep them around 13-15fps in clear sky. Is there anything to do with the fact that I'm running XP11.25? Should I delete my xp prefs file?
  3. The only way you can load again the TBM200 after a 1st launch is to start your flight with other aircraft like C172 and change it via Instructor console by teh TBM900. in this case it will load and you'll not have CTD.
  4. OK, actually I was able to make it run only once (the very first time with the presentation) after it crashed I'm not able to load it in XP anymore. I think the team has some hard work to do now so good luck guys with fighting the CDT issue. We are all crossing the fingers!
  5. Hello, well what can I say: this is maybe the most advanced product for any civil flight simulator now days! Really what an aircraft! But yes indeed, the FPS impact is huge. XP just stopped working after 5min because of low FPS. All plugins not really needed were turn off. xEnviro was also OFF but unfortunately the TBM is unflyable on my I-7 2700k @ 4.2Ghz, GTX1070.. I'm convinced that this product has a huge potential and I'm frustrated to not be able to fly it this weekend. Anyway, Good job to the developer I can just imagine what a time consuming project it is. Cheers,
  6. It was nice to have an update, thanks a lot Javier. Good luck to both of you. Bolshoe sposibo Anton.
  7. I'm going crazy........ Javier, you don't need to tell ya how fantastic looks this cockpit.... Glad to read that this baby is already on test process....
  8. From the Navigraph forum, please note the second sentence: "Any copies of the Navigraph FMS Data other than for personal backup is illegal duplication of the data and against the terms of service you agreed to when charging credits. You may not re-parse or convert the data to any other form than what is provided on the Navigraph website. If the data originating from our data provider is circulating outside of a license agreement this means that our data provider is not getting anything in return on distributing the data through Navigraph. This reasoning, taken to its extent, can lead to that the data provider decides to cancel our possibilities to get data from them since we are not able to control piracy and see to that our end of the license agreement we have with them is met. In short: Circumventing the license agreement, where possible, is not only unlawful, it is also counter productive as Navigraph serves to represent all flight simulator enthusiasts towards a larger enterprise that normally would not devote resources to make relatively small business with individuals. This is the comment we have for now on whether convering to X-Plane format is a solution. We will return with further comments on the development for X-plane users a bit later on. Regards Magnus" http://forum.navigraph.com/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=181 Hobofot, I think that Cameron answered above. I hope that there is no misunderstanding. As Far as I know the AIRAC cyles from Navigraph are not product related (not talking about functionlity but selling). As well I never talked about multiples copies. I was talking for a plugin which support PSS format. : Sorry for my english, maybe it's my fault....
  9. To Intkomi: there is a plugin for x-plane which translates the PSS navdata to x-plane format. The only thing that you have to do is to download this data and copy.it in the plugin folder. YhatKd all and your Xplane is running with the latest navdata. To Garette: For folks who are flying online in Vatsim and Ivao, the AIRAC cycles are must have! The default Xplane data for some world reagion like Europe Asia and Oceania are really very old (only few main airports are updated but not the whole fix , star, sid, navradio data. Just for example for Easter Europe the data is more than 10 years old. if you don't want to subscribe to Navigraph changes nothing to fly the CRJ because the aircraft will come with newer database than the actual X-Plane's one. I' m sure that you gonna enjoy this bird.
  10. I can't understand what is the problem about using Navigraph standard database. I mean all main developpers for FS use it because it provides with realistic and continually updated data. To use these kinds of hi-end products this data base is a must have! Everybody here is talking about wishin have some beatiful product like PMDG, WILCO or even better than them. Everybody is ready to spend some amount for this fantastic aircraft but some complaines appear to spend some more to be on top level regarding the realism. Anyway, the CRJ will be fully functional so if you don't want to buy some data from Navigraph and use ready to load SID&STARS it's your choice.
  11. Hey Goran, what a fantastic news. Your words are like some honey drops on my heart!!! Glad to read that it should be read for the end of this month!!! Completely agree with what meshboy ....
  12. Hey guyes, just for info , awaiting the gorgeous CRJ200, you can use the PSS SID-STAR-NAV data from AIRAC Navigraph translated for X-PLANE with an available plugin. I've done it and now my AIRAC is 100%completed and updaiting it every month......But anyway, this is not the place to discuss for that.
  13. Yes it says May, but as Javier wrote he hopes sooner than that In all cases Javier and Anton know better than us To Anton: Vsio v pariadku? Ia jelaiu tebia horoshoe testuvane....
  14. Javier, Do you remember, I has exactely the same problem. It has been solved after deleting some old aircrafts and their plugins. Unfortunately i don't know whichone exactely and I don't want to give product names if I'm not 100% sure that they are the issue. It will not be correct regarding their creators. At that time I also tryed to disable the plugins without anyresults, so I've delete hem from my system and than it was ok. So even if "crs" disable them, it will not repair the brakes issue, he has to delete them completely.....
  15. Hi, Did you update at least to version 9.43?
  16. OH, I was too late there...he he... Yes you are correct! Javier is very close to all his clients....it was the same for me...
  17. Hi CRS! I had very same problem as yours about breaking once landed. The brakes wern't working at all even if in 3D cockpit you see that they are acting (pushing down). Put at lest XP v9.43 and look what's happening. If doesn't help, try to delete some plugins (or just move them to Disable plugin folder). For me that help and everything is fine and I really enjoy the Javelin (thanks Javier . The only neg point is that I can't use UFMC with this aircraft (SID,STAR purposes when flying IVAO) but since the gauges readibility is so fine i perform the procedures using charts without any problems. Enjoy this bird! Niko
  18. Hi there, maybe you already know this link but for whom don't you can check all systems, general description as well flight patterns specifications of the CRJ200. I think it will be useful for some of you who would like to discover in details this wonderful aircraft especially with Javier's & Anton long-awated BIG BANG. Here it is the link http://www.smartcockpit.com/plane/bombardier/CRJ-100-200-SERIES/ Stay frosty, few weeks left, .... I think :
  19. Problem was solved by progressive deleting of some old plugins which weren't very well accepted by v.9.41. Thanks to Javier who spend some additional time helping me.
  20. OK, Problem has gone now. I cleaned up some plugins&aircrafts and the electrics are driven by the Generator. Sorry that i didn't manage with that earlier. I should have a big problem with my PC because now new thing appeared- brakes aren't working when landing, I mean before T/O everything is fine, taxi on the ground, braking is not a problem but when landing, the brakes don't work, even the Parking brake doesn't work.... :-\ What a mess..... all other add-on aircrafts are working normaly. ???... I think I will reinstall X-Plane since I love the Javelin plane so it worth it... Anyway, thanks for your help and your fast answer. I'll clean up my baby to prepare it for yours one (tha famous CRJ-200) :
  21. Allwright, thanks for your time, I'll do some test from my side with different planes as well look around if there is some pluggin mess-up so on....I'll try to manage it by myself, if no result I'll send you an e-mail.
  22. One more thing.... The Hydraulic pressure on the both engines warning...this one is always alive no matter if inflight or on the ground...see the attached image:
  23. Yep on 9.41 with ver.1.3.... It happens all the time and after 20-30 minutes of BATTERY warning, all the electrics are down... Check and keep in touch around. BTW, this is a fantastic aircraft, a real beuty and fun to fly.
  24. Hi there, I'm sorry to ask this kind of question but I've tryed to find something in the manual without any results. I've got the Battery Fail after 30min of flight. It comes on every flight... The generator is ON.......... Any suggestions?
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