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FYG001 last won the day on December 19 2023

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  1. Avioniquesimulation now also has an FCP (autopilot control pilot) on offer. Check the following site: https://avioniquesimulation.com/product/fcp-4003-cl650/
  2. I have two suspects left, ASXP and the SAITEK panel plugin. I removed the standard SAITEK plugin and replaced it with the Xsaitekpanels (lin+win+mac) 3.09 file on Xplane.org (https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/14646-xsaitekpanels-linwinmac/) . The original SAITEK file definitely caused CTD's. Several flights done without a glitch, but admittedly, ASXP12 not yet back in the plugin folder.
  3. have the strangest of issues: the ENG START switches do not move any more. Clicking on start does not depress them any more, no movenment at all. Stop switches move normally. All other switchlights move normally. On the Study Engine bleed, start switches do not open. So Unable to start the engines. APU LCV and ISOL valve OPEN. Engine bleeds closed. XP 12.1.1. and CL60 1.18 Tried the following: Load another aircraft and return to the CL60 Stop and restart XP In the Airframe Manager load another aircraft Delete completely the aircraft and Hotstart directory, reinstall 1.18 All without succes. Anyone any idea? SOLVED - should have read 3 posts down, installed new Saitek panel drivers, on the Saitek panel the magneto switch must NOT be in start Log.txt
  4. Have removed all plugins, first flight was without issues. Now adding plugins one by one, and testing
  5. Unfortunately again, sitting on the ramp pre flight Looks like same backtrace Log.txt
  6. Thanks for the very quick reply Pils, done as suggested
  7. Log.txt
  8. Best to contact Moussa on the Avionique Simulation on his discord. He replies promptly
  9. The Chally on a transatlantic outing
  10. And I got mine today, what a joy!
  11. Hi Rich, would you have an updated link to that FAA document by any chance? Thanks
  12. Moussa plans the FCP next
  13. Anyone using https://avioniquesimulation.com/shop the promising DCP/CCP panels? Just ordered one with Moussa. Price seems very reasonable at 219 EUR
  14. Well, I use a headset to listen to the cockpit ambient sounds and Vatsim ATC, but how do you listen to the discord with the other pilot? Earplug underneath the headset with dangling mic? Or another clever set up?
  15. Ok Pils, thanks for the quick reply, we used Discord as well, but practically, how did you do it?
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