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Everything posted by bakerman

  1. That makes it clear. Thanks Bruno
  2. Thanks Ben so I checked the OpenAl sound on my system with "openallsurround.exe" a test program I found in the deepness of the internet. Everything is working as it should. But my Challenger plays still all the sounds true the default channel and not true the USB headset witch I have set in the C650 Audio settings. The switch is simply not working at all. Any thing I could check to make this working? Bruno
  3. I have a question about the headset. If I click the headset in the cockpit, also putting the thing on my virtual head, should the sound not be played through the sound option picked in the settings from the challenger? The only thing witch changes now is the sound level, nothing else? All my sounds are still coming through the default win 11 sound channel. What is this openAl sound anyway? Thanks Bruno
  4. Guys backup your TCA_Q-Eng_1-2_Win.joy file in X-Plane 11\Resources\joystick configs and copy the attached one in there. Then Config your TCA Buttons 11 and 110 under Other Controls (scroll all the way down) just like in the picture. Thrust Reverse works like a dream now! Bruno TCA_Q-Eng_1-2_Win.joy
  5. Disable Vulcan in XPlane, in OpenGL the .acf file will open! Bruno
  6. Yes I know, but did not have the the time to dig in to that! Bruno
  7. Yes exactly the same problem, the reverser is not working with joystick axis. Unfortunately the TCA button on the reverses is also not working but this is a XPlane problem in the .joy file from the TCA Airbus throttle. The button is not activ? Works in P3D ? Bruno
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