Oh boy, it is so nice to log in and find so many great answers, I am starting to love this forum. Ok, thank you for the info on the graphical temperature monitor and the fuel tanks. I have many questions about this. Re the landing light, it looks dim in the day, but it illuminates the runway alright at night. I will tweak it in planemaker anyway, just for the looks. The taxi light, however, is useless, it illuminates the taxiway about 50 meters ahead, so you are totally in the dark (ha ha) when turning corners. I will tilt it down, and spread out the cone, not just for looks this time. About the altitude thing, the ceilings seem pretty low. I guess it is to minimize risks. I mean, tourists go from sea level to Bolivia every year and don't suffer hypoxia. I suppose you cannot allow a pilot to feel even light headed for a few minutes. Okay, now onto this temperature thing. I am trying to understand the influence of engine controls on temperature. So, three controls for the engine : throttle, mixture, and rpm through the indirect effect of propeller blades pitch. What I know so far (ok, what I think I know) is that with throttle you control the admission of fuel/air in the cylinders which will detonate and produce work and heat. Work is measured by the manifold pressure, heat by the temperature probe. If I increase prop pitch the engine will output more work, so I suppose produce less heat. If I have a rich mixture I increase the combustion reaction and produce more heat, until the point where oxygen becomes insufficient, choking the cylinder so engine efficiency decreases and I guess heat as well. When I lean the mixture, temperature should go down as well. With throttle, it seems straightforward : the higher the throttle the higher the temperature. But this will affect airspeed, which probably has an influence in cooling down the cylinder head ? Ok, now, what I would like to know is the effect of all three combined. It is probably engine specific, but surely there are some general principles worth knowing ? Also, what is rich of peak and lean of peak ? Is rich of peak the peak in temperature for a rich mixture, i.e. the most you can ask of your engine before it chokes on unburnt fuel ? And, how do you tune your mixture by using the temperature readings (my current strategy is to lower the mixture in cruise flight until the engine faults and then increase it a tiny bit) ? More tricky now : lets say I am cruising at 8500ft, lean mixture, low rpms (2100 ish), 80% throttle doing 150kts IAS (that was yesterday night). Then, because of some stupid guy that put mountains between california and nevada I had to climb to 10500ft. I applied full throttle and adjusted attitude to reach Vx (yeah, those mountains suddenly popped up in the close distance, I mean, come on !). Then I saw engine temperatures rising high. Now, what should I do to try to keep the temp low and not loose speed (or worse, height) ? Hmmm, do I talk too much ? Thanks guys. E. p.s. @Steven, unfortunately, this is indoors painting, I need another excuse ;-)