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  1. Nice. So, is as solution for the NOAA problem on the (foreseeable) horizon, or is it far off? If the latter, I wonder if we could get the SimBrief import as a 2nd best interim solution. I guess the development effort ain't that big given that the SimBrief API pull is already there and copying the contained winds aloft data into the FMS legs data ain't a big deal. Unless I'm missing something.
  2. Correct, but still far better than nothing for most cases where people will probably generate the flight plans within an hour before EOBT and having to enter the data manually. BTW, how does things work in real life? I'm assuming pilots have to enter the leg wind data from their dispatch OFP as well... or does the real FMS have a function that sends all waypoints via ACARS to some service and gets all the current predicted winds aloft data back, like you seem to have simulated with NOAA data before?
  3. While we're at it, the SimBrief import function could use that wind data as well... :-)
  4. Indeed, this was the case for me. It was after a turnaround so I guess that's why - I probably fixed just the NAV SRC for the next departure on the left side, not also the right side. Thanks!
  5. I ran into this today on two consecutive sectors as well...
  6. Hi, Situation: Host on XP12, left seater. Myself on XP11, right seater We've done two flights in shared cockpit now. Both times we had signficant scenery offset, even though having the same scenery installed from gateway today. Any clues what could be the reason for that? Unfortunately haven't been able to fly with someone also on XP11 to verify wether this is really an XP12<->11 issue.
  7. Thanks, now got it. Hopefully getting to fly the CL650 this weekend finally again and will confirm.
  8. You mean CLR/DEL the following field? This didn't clear the fuel USED numbers in FUEL MGMT page... and the checklist item says to clear fuel USED. Anyway, will test again. Best regards, Daniel
  9. Well, this is a very special 2-part item them, one that doesn't get the left column readout before the right column criteria is met? Sounds very strange. Anyway, will check next flight what's going on, thanks for the hint.
  10. I observed the same... could someone enlighten us? Also, I'm seeing ATS on takeoff far exceed the set N1-TO limit (e.g. limit ~91%, but ATS pushing the engines to ~95%). Why? Best regards, Daniel
  11. This checklist item has a quirk btw. When I select TO limit, the checklist system notices that I did and marks the checklist item green, but does not advance to the next item. It still needs a manual "next item" trigger. That seems to be a bug?!
  12. Hi, the quick turn-around checklist has the item FMS FUEL USED - RESET: What am I supposed to do there? The used fuel quantities on the FUEL PRED page seem to be immune to any reset attempts via CLR/DEL. Not even resetting the FMS via STATUS page and flipping navdata base clears those counters (they do auto-clear later, I think when starting engines again or around that time). Best regards, Daniel
  13. Hi, SSIA... although the ATS pushbutton on the glareshield has two LEDs next to it, neither one lights up in Lamp Test 1/2. Best regards, Daniel
  14. Yes, I think this was in cruise. I'd argue that it shouldn't calculate with half-bank mode engaged when the trajectory is that low. Or does the real thing the same?
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