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Everything posted by mpedroni

  1. my first question.... When the release?
  2. Hi I have a problem with skymaxx. On 3 of febbrary i reinstall my win 7 system, than tra to restart skymaxx and i have an error: Apparent OR or hardware install I open a ticket on website but for now no response. Anyone can help me? Marco
  3. Hi, Probably a theme already treated but I can not find the answer. Is possible to set a keyboard shortcut for PFD FMC etc? Thanks Ciao Marco
  4. Thanks Cameron.
  5. Hi. Is possibile like in v 1.3 to have MCU without the frame? Before 1.4 we have to change the displayframe.png, and now? Thanks for attention and sorry for my poor english. Marco
  6. Yesterday night i make my first fly from LIRN to LGRP without any crash!!! Great v1.4.2! Thanks for your work! Marco
  7. thanks Philipp
  8. Hi my friends, sorry for my poor english. How can do an holding with specific heading? I meen, when I set hold in fmc over a point or everywhere the plane make it wiht it's heading, but some procedure require a specific heading. It's possibe to set it manualy? Second question, when the controll say me 'from the present direct to xxx (where xxx is a point of my flight plane) how can I go direcly there? If I cleare on fmc all the point before xxx the plane try to' reace the streigt line from the last point to xxx, but not from my present position. Thans a lot Marco
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