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Everything posted by Debowing

  1. Apologies, yes, I mean the UNS-FMS, when I say GNS.
  2. Aha, so the Co flight plans are not loaded by the GNS, but by the 530...Thanks will try this.
  3. How can a saved FMS plan be loaded into the GNS? I try but am unable to achieve it.
  4. How can the jet be loaded in a cold and dark regime?
  5. Thanks - the problem source was the turn knob, it was slightly not centered...
  6. All is operational but my AP just won't engage
  7. Hi, are there any plans for an upgrade?
  8. I notice there are several liveries one can install. However, would the installation of a new external livery mess up the specific aircraft, seeing that they are tied to the developer's default liveries?
  9. After applying the latest update, I am happy to report that things are quite better. The update helped and so did my better management of the engines! I have just completed a flight, LCLK to LLBG.
  10. More crashes (not CTDs)and take offs today. It's hard.
  11. I found it works for me to use the classic version with the original Sperry and VOR to VOR navigation. The aircraft will make snake patterns in the sky and needs constant monitoring and fiddling of the Sperry to maintain VOR heading. Furthermore, each variant/livery must be as per loaded saved and activated in advance. ' This plane is full hands on and reflects the mastery of those pilots of old days. I managed twice to ditch it in the sea (due to fuel empty) and once a nose down crash landing.( for some reason my flaps wouldn't extend.) Probably the hydraulic levers. but the wheels did extend. Anyway, it is challenging. You can't do two things at once and that mistake may be fatal. My scroll wheel zooming seems not to work well or delayed. I think this is a XP12 issue that I have noticed with other add on aircraft as well.
  12. Hi, yes, the autopilot now works, however the AP level below is inactive. Or should it be inactive in the modern variant?
  13. Hi I just purchased V2 and although I try, there is no way to engage the autopilot either in classic or modern variants.
  14. 'the instruction cannot be read' Log.txt
  15. However, I have just completed a flight without any CTD. Which plugins are the most problematic?
  16. i think one should load the default cessna skyhawk then change to the B733. Now I am good so far, after doing that. The CTD plane had a black Attitude Display, now it is the normal blue/brown attitude display.
  17. This is my latest CTD... Log.txt
  18. Hi, yes I have found the email and used it to receive my discount code, thanks...
  19. Dear Sirs, I have purchased the IXEG 733 for XP11 on 28 NOV 2021 and would like to update to XP12, please let me know, whether I can (a) update for free (b) update it for a fee (c) purchase it again. Thanks
  20. My error was the RH LH auto ignition switches were being set to AUTO, should be OFF during start. Now engines start.
  21. https://share.icloud.com/photos/02fU72muJR-1lLamIfd6HuBiA
  22. I find that whatever I do I cannot seem to be able to start the engines. Log.txt
  23. I hope that the Xp12 version will continue to have the lower resolution textures for those with lesser setups...Performance wise the plane seems stable. Log.txt
  24. I find that using the CL650 beta causes a bit of the blurries. Log.txt
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