Hi Chip, You are absolutely correct and my apologies for the mis read. I feel I need to clarify my position a little bit with regards to 3d cockpits. It is my belief that 3d cockpits are a valuable and nifty experience for flying, however when descending or taking off from an airport (especially on vatsim with ATC and vectors with lots of changes) if the 3d cockpit is not designed to function well as a 2d pit then the pilot is for all intents and purposes... screwed. For one I find popping around the cockpit to find and read switches and values, especially the autopilot is a major inconvenience. It's all about the design. If I can easily access everything when in "2d" mode and read it all and manipulate everything I need for critical phases of flight then I don't see the need for a proper 2d pit. If however (and one can't help but mention the ERJ here) I need to constantly be shifting views to fly in 2d mode then it does not work. So in response to your question, I don't really know if the 3d cockpit will detract from the x737. It depends on how easy it is to fly in 2d or 3d mode. All I ask is that if you are in 2d mode that you will be able to see everything that you need to fly, and be able to read it without zooming in or shifting views. If I can't easily fly the plane then I won't spend much time with it, no matter how good the systems are. This is why a 2d pit in my mind is always a safe bet. I think it would be perfect if all aircraft had both a 2d and a 3d panel, so that everyone can fly as they prefer, and I can enjoy the 3d pit in cruise, and when things get busy pop back to the 2d pit for the quick changes.