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  1. Traffic Global SAS CRJ900 1.0.0 View File A nice replacement for this SAS "missing" livery. Spot them, for instance at EKCH 1. Unzip package 2. Place livery in CR9 DISCLAMER: SAS airlines/ Scandinavian Airlines airlines may or may not have theire CRJ900s any more deu to COVID-19 it may be retired or dying out of service for SAS tell me suggestions liveries you want me to upload for now stay safe and happy flyings Submitter aviation aircrafts Submitted 01/19/2021 Category Liveries Livery For https://forums.x-pilot.com/files/submit/?do=submit&category=17 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    A nice replacement for this SAS "missing" livery. Spot them, for instance at EKCH 1. Unzip package 2. Place livery in CR9 DISCLAMER: SAS airlines/ Scandinavian Airlines airlines may or may not have theire CRJ900s any more deu to COVID-19 it may be retired or dying out of service for SAS tell me suggestions liveries you want me to upload for now stay safe and happy flyings
  3. Version 1.0.0


    I give you the CRJ900NG as i said in my yesterday post this plane can fly 1,976 nautical miles Two General Electric CF34-8C5 engines give the aircraft a cruise speed up to Mach 0.83 and an operating range of up to 1,976 nautical miles (3,408km). and can also have a fuel weight ofweight and efficient aerodynamics provide the best fuel burn and ... more than 47 million flight hours. ... The success and longevity of the CRJ program can and total weight of everything that it can carry is 84,500 pounds In typical service, the CRJ900 can cruise 8–10,000 ft higher with a slightly higher fuel burn and an average true airspeed of 450–500 knots, a significant improvement over its predecessor. Its maximum ground takeoff weight is 84,500 pounds. 90 passengers In a single-class configuration, the CRJ900 has the flexibility to easily seat up to 90 passengers. This capacity, combined with enhancements that result in 5.5% lower fuel burn, means the CRJ900 delivers the best economics in its class. As of July 2018, 290 CRJ700 aircraft (all variants), 425 CRJ900 aircraft (all variants) and 62 CRJ1000 aircraft were in airline service with SkyWest Airlines (123), Endeavor Air (112), PSA Airlines (95), Mesa Airlines (84), GoJet Airlines (54), ExpressJet Airlines (39), Lufthansa CityLine (37), China Express Airlines ( ... DISCLAIMER: sadely DEU to covid-19 the CRJ900 is dying out of service as for every aviaton plane for now stay safe and happy flying
  4. Howard DGA-15P 1.0.0 View File The enclosed X-Plane 11.50 model is of the historic GA aircraft, the Howard DGA-15P. The model began life as a freeware FS98-FSX model shell which I converted to the 3D modelling program, AC3D, and completely overhauled and rebuilt for X-Plane 11 over the last four or five months. Please see the enclosed "credits.txt" file for details. The model has been tested in X-Plane 11.50 and 11.51 (but not with the experimental flight model). This is version 1.0 with many improvements and small fixes planned for the future (e.g., the 3D Wasp Jr. is only half done). But it handles very well and looks pretty nice for the most part. My real interest in model development is in 3D panels and custom instruments with nearly a dozen provided here to match the real-world Howard DGA-15P (though because these 80+ year old aircraft are restored there is a *lot* of variety in instruments today). The radios are loosely modeled on the Becker RMU-5000, but I may put in a Garmin 530 or make some sort of moving map in the future. I also plan to release a "paint kit" for this model in the future, and I would be happy to work with a painter to show him or her what goes where. The interior in particular is very plain and shows the need for an expert painter to help out if anyone is willing. This aircraft is released as FREEWARE. No commercial use of these files is permitted, but they may be distributed and changed for non-commercial use as long as credit to the original authors is provided. And a special thanks to Pedrovl on the X-Plane.org forum for help with a fuel pressure problem caused by the three in-line fuel tanks which I never would have figured out myself. The Howard DGA-15P is the most common variant of the Howard aircraft still flying. It was built commercially beginning in 1936 the year after the designer, Benny Howard's "Mister Mulligan" won both the Bendix and Thompson trophies for speed and endurance--the only plane ever to do this. The DGA (" Good Airplane")-15P variants today are mostly restored military variants from WWII (e.g., U.S. Navy GH-1 to GH-4 used as air ambulances, personel transport, and instrument training). The Howard is well-known to be a fast, comfortable aircraft that is somewhat hard to land but very stable in the air in part because the gas tanks are low in the belly, and has an enthusiastic following (e.g., www.howardaircraft.org). It has been said that if the DHC-2 Beaver is a great pick-up truck, the Howard is a stately old Buick. There are a few dozen or more youtube videos of the Howard in flight including one where the pilot does a barrel roll. (I don't recommend it on the model--it breaks the artificial horizon--don't ask me how I know!). Specifications: Powerplant: 450 hp Pratt & Whitney R-985 Wasp Junior Length: 25 ft Wingspan: 38 ft Empty weight: 2,705 lb Useful load: 1,645 lb Max gross weight: 4,350 lb Max speed at MSL: 195 mph (sources vary from 190 to 201 mph) (MP 36.5 in.; prop. 2300 rpm) Climb: 1200-1500 fpm (MP 30 in.; prop. 2000 rpm) Average cruise speed: 160 mph indicated (MP 28 in.; prop. 1850 rpm) Never exceed speed: 270 mph Landing speed: 78 mph Stall speed: around 65 mph Service Ceiling: 21,000 ft Fuel capacity in three belly tanks: 151 gal Front 30 gal Main 88 gal Rear 33 gal Range: about 1,000 nm tell me other planes you want me to download my next plane will be coming tomorrow its going to be a CRJ 900 after that the next day a CRJXNG Submitter aviation aircrafts Submitted 01/18/2021 Category General Aviation X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  5. China Airlines 737-800 B-18652 (Zibo 3.31+) 1.0.0 View File This is the China Airlines livery for the default 737-800 in X-Plane 11. This is my first time painting a jet, and I spent about 5 days trying to get everything perfect. I downloaded many, many photos for reference from multiple angles to make sure I have everything right. I even got to fly on the real plane in the middle of working on this livery. I know a couple days ago another China Airlines livery was released by songlin, but this livery includes the new logo and slight adjustment in the position of the chin straps that happened after China Airlines joined Sk Details included in this livery: Skyteam logo Chinese warnings on emergency exit doors (機門有中文緊急出口指示) Taiwanese fire extinguisher (台灣品牌的滅火器) Flap fairing tips painted red (China Airlines only did this recently to prevent ground crew from smashing equipment into the flap fairings) (flap fairing 的尖端有圖紅色) Windshield frame for cockpit windshied #2 and #4 is colored darker because it's darker on the real thing. I don't know why. ETOPS marking Accurate registration number font (I literally cut the tail-number from a hi-res photo and drew over it) Accurate Boeing 737-800 logo Accurate winglet stripes Grey engine nacelles (default was too white) Optional: Taiwan Flag! (有附帶中華民國的國旗) Hidden Easter Egg! You can choose between 2 versions of the livery. One is the real livery, while the other includes Taiwan's flag next to the tail number. In the real world painting the flag on the airplane isn't allowed because of political pressure from China. The files are in png format and sized 4096 x 4096 and made in Gimp 2.8.14. yteam in 2011. I also made sure this livery was as detailed as possible. This livery depicts B-18252, which was delivered May 2013. DISCLAMER:im not from china the next livery is going to be a CRJ900 as i told you in my previous post today that im gonna upload a CRJ900 BUT I have decided to also upload a livery the livery will be added/uploaded tomorrow for now stay safe and happy flying Submitter aviation aircrafts Submitted 01/18/2021 Category Liveries Livery For https://forums.x-pilot.com/files/submit/?do=submit&category=17 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This is the China Airlines livery for the default 737-800 in X-Plane 11. This is my first time painting a jet, and I spent about 5 days trying to get everything perfect. I downloaded many, many photos for reference from multiple angles to make sure I have everything right. I even got to fly on the real plane in the middle of working on this livery. I know a couple days ago another China Airlines livery was released by songlin, but this livery includes the new logo and slight adjustment in the position of the chin straps that happened after China Airlines joined Sk Details included in this livery: Skyteam logo Chinese warnings on emergency exit doors (機門有中文緊急出口指示) Taiwanese fire extinguisher (台灣品牌的滅火器) Flap fairing tips painted red (China Airlines only did this recently to prevent ground crew from smashing equipment into the flap fairings) (flap fairing 的尖端有圖紅色) Windshield frame for cockpit windshied #2 and #4 is colored darker because it's darker on the real thing. I don't know why. ETOPS marking Accurate registration number font (I literally cut the tail-number from a hi-res photo and drew over it) Accurate Boeing 737-800 logo Accurate winglet stripes Grey engine nacelles (default was too white) Optional: Taiwan Flag! (有附帶中華民國的國旗) Hidden Easter Egg! You can choose between 2 versions of the livery. One is the real livery, while the other includes Taiwan's flag next to the tail number. In the real world painting the flag on the airplane isn't allowed because of political pressure from China. The files are in png format and sized 4096 x 4096 and made in Gimp 2.8.14. yteam in 2011. I also made sure this livery was as detailed as possible. This livery depicts B-18252, which was delivered May 2013. DISCLAMER:im not from china the next livery is going to be a CRJ900 as i told you in my previous post today that im gonna upload a CRJ900 BUT I have decided to also upload a livery the livery will be added/uploaded tomorrow for now stay safe and happy flying
  7. Version 1.0.0


    The enclosed X-Plane 11.50 model is of the historic GA aircraft, the Howard DGA-15P. The model began life as a freeware FS98-FSX model shell which I converted to the 3D modelling program, AC3D, and completely overhauled and rebuilt for X-Plane 11 over the last four or five months. Please see the enclosed "credits.txt" file for details. The model has been tested in X-Plane 11.50 and 11.51 (but not with the experimental flight model). This is version 1.0 with many improvements and small fixes planned for the future (e.g., the 3D Wasp Jr. is only half done). But it handles very well and looks pretty nice for the most part. My real interest in model development is in 3D panels and custom instruments with nearly a dozen provided here to match the real-world Howard DGA-15P (though because these 80+ year old aircraft are restored there is a *lot* of variety in instruments today). The radios are loosely modeled on the Becker RMU-5000, but I may put in a Garmin 530 or make some sort of moving map in the future. I also plan to release a "paint kit" for this model in the future, and I would be happy to work with a painter to show him or her what goes where. The interior in particular is very plain and shows the need for an expert painter to help out if anyone is willing. This aircraft is released as FREEWARE. No commercial use of these files is permitted, but they may be distributed and changed for non-commercial use as long as credit to the original authors is provided. And a special thanks to Pedrovl on the X-Plane.org forum for help with a fuel pressure problem caused by the three in-line fuel tanks which I never would have figured out myself. The Howard DGA-15P is the most common variant of the Howard aircraft still flying. It was built commercially beginning in 1936 the year after the designer, Benny Howard's "Mister Mulligan" won both the Bendix and Thompson trophies for speed and endurance--the only plane ever to do this. The DGA (" Good Airplane")-15P variants today are mostly restored military variants from WWII (e.g., U.S. Navy GH-1 to GH-4 used as air ambulances, personel transport, and instrument training). The Howard is well-known to be a fast, comfortable aircraft that is somewhat hard to land but very stable in the air in part because the gas tanks are low in the belly, and has an enthusiastic following (e.g., www.howardaircraft.org). It has been said that if the DHC-2 Beaver is a great pick-up truck, the Howard is a stately old Buick. There are a few dozen or more youtube videos of the Howard in flight including one where the pilot does a barrel roll. (I don't recommend it on the model--it breaks the artificial horizon--don't ask me how I know!). Specifications: Powerplant: 450 hp Pratt & Whitney R-985 Wasp Junior Length: 25 ft Wingspan: 38 ft Empty weight: 2,705 lb Useful load: 1,645 lb Max gross weight: 4,350 lb Max speed at MSL: 195 mph (sources vary from 190 to 201 mph) (MP 36.5 in.; prop. 2300 rpm) Climb: 1200-1500 fpm (MP 30 in.; prop. 2000 rpm) Average cruise speed: 160 mph indicated (MP 28 in.; prop. 1850 rpm) Never exceed speed: 270 mph Landing speed: 78 mph Stall speed: around 65 mph Service Ceiling: 21,000 ft Fuel capacity in three belly tanks: 151 gal Front 30 gal Main 88 gal Rear 33 gal Range: about 1,000 nm tell me other planes you want me to download my next plane will be coming tomorrow its going to be a CRJ 900 after that the next day a CRJXNG
  8. CRJ700 View File this is a Bombardier/CRJ700 it only has 3 liveries and 1 default livery so 4 liveries liveries 1.delta 2.lufthansa 3.united and the 4 is the default livery and that is air FRANCE Submitter aviation aircrafts Submitted 01/17/2021 Category Heavy Metal X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    this is a Bombardier/CRJ700 it only has 3 liveries and 1 default livery so 4 liveries liveries 1.delta 2.lufthansa 3.united and the 4 is the default livery and that is air FRANCE
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