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  1. Very nice! Is this already released?
  2. It is a little disappointing to see no liveries for the MU2, I've opened the paint-kit and it seemed a lot more difficult than other planes.
  3. Can you link the bug tracker please? I kind of lost it or was it only for 2.01 ?
  4. I assume you have clicked the power button on the top-right of the tablet riiiiiiiiiight? Try disabling and enabling the plugin from the plugin admin panel, this has helped me in some planes. In the Mu-2 it works fine from me from start but who knows...
  5. Thanks! Hope you are having fun at Oshkosh! I found a very small thing yesterday: It seems that if I move the flaps with a lever (thanks for doing that!!) the flap lights are not lit for each position.
  6. I reported this initially but I think it might got lost so I'm reposting. 1. [Altitude Knob not responding to any commands] I can't find commands to bind keys or buttons to increase-decrease the AP altitude knob selector. I see the selector changes the XP default dataref autopilot/altitude but if I change that dataref the change is not reflected in the knob. I use a x-touch mini knob and I would like to be able to map it to operate the knob, many other cockpit builders will have a similar problem I think. (I tried with autopilot/altitude_up and down commands but they are not working) Also and for free a couple of very minor issues: 2. [No commands for the GND start sleector] - Can't find commands to map buttons to change the GND start selector to left, right or center. This switch is quite hidden by the throttle levers so mapping buttons makes starting the plane easier. 3. [No commands to change barometer] - Can't find a way to map buttons to change the barometer sim/instruments/barometer_up and down should be able to change it. 4. [No commands to change DH] - Same for the DH sim/instruments/dh_ref_up and down are not changing the DH 5. [Avitab show-hide not working] - The show-hide avitab command triggers a gizmo error, the avitab on-off command works perfectly instead. 6. [Can't rotate avitab] - The commands to rotate the avitab are not working (GNS 5 blades) ------ 7. [Strange trim behaviour with power off] Then not sure if this is a bug or not but the pitch and rudder trims can be operated moving the wheels with power off but they can't be operated from the respective commands. Aileron trim works from both commands or the plane controls with power off. And finally: 8. [Vertical speed can be cheated] The real Mu-2 does not have a vertical speed control, meaning you can only control vertical speed by changing the pitch, the VS button will make the AP hold the current VS. However the plane AP responds to the default commands autopilot/vertical_speed_up and autopilot/vertical_speed_dn. For some users this may be a good thing but I feel it is unrealistic. I leave this for you to ponder... I put numbers in case it makes it easier for you to address these issues. None of this issues is a real blocker to fly v2.01 it works really nicely! Luigi.
  7. This is not a bug or a request but I wonder if the illumination provided by the landing lights is right. With those two extendable big reflectors in the front I would expect the landing lights to be quite good but in the sim they are very very dim. In the videos I watched with the Mu-2 landing at night they are brighter, the big difference can be seen once the plane is on the ground, irl the landing lights are very bright in the sim they barely illuminate the runway. I hope you can check this and if needed calibrate the lights properly because landing the mu-2 at night in poorly lit runways is not a good idea as they are now Thanks!
  8. Hi, So far V2.01 is a blast, thank you so much for doing this before OshKosh. Throttles now work perfectly and no risk to in-flight beta, toe brakes work perfect. I've noticed Taxi lights seem to be always on after turning them on once regardless of the switch position, if I turn on the wig switch and then turn taxi lights off then a single taxi light keeps on, without the wig switch both lights are on and the on-off switch has no effect.
  9. I'm using regular Saitek pedals, they work fine with all other planes. I'll try to make a video if this happens again because I realize there's not much you can do with just a description. I was hoping there was something that might come to your mind. Thanks!
  10. I'm having a very weird problem with my SR22 Entegra where my toe brakes stop to work. If I assign both pedals to toe brakes left and right no pedal works and I can't brake. If I assign one pedal to a custom command like "hold brake left" and the other to the toe brake axis right then they work, of course the left pedal is just on/off and the right one is a continuous axis. Then after assigning the left brake to hold brake left I can assign the left pedal again to the left toe brake axis and now both pedals work with their respective axis as they should. But as soon as I engage and disengage the parking brake the problem arises again and the pedals stop working. I have no idea what causes the pedals to stop responding...
  11. Tyvm exactly what I needed. Cheers!
  12. I think this idea could be useful, even a need. As Daemotron said if you are about to land with a wrong roll trim you are in trouble. Maybe a command that can make the roll trim indicator appear in the screen like a ghost instrument... and an option to automatically show and then disappear if you change the trim.
  13. Hi! I'm trying to setup my logitech multipanel for the SR22 Entegra with DFC90AP, the problem I'm having is that the datarefs like afm/sr/apLight/hdg, etc.. are set to 0 even if the AP is in the corresponding mode. Maybe those lights are for the other AP? If so then is there a dataref I can read to turn on or off the lights for the Multipanel AP? The SR22 Entegra Rocks! thanks!
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