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  1. Could it be, that the programming around the door implementation is not safe enough in case of the machine’s role as External Visuals with network communication?
  2. When I change my 2nd sim from master to external visual the CLOSED (green) backdoor changes between CLOSING (yellow) and CLOSED (green) in a 1 second rhythm (see attachment). I can discover a short gap from inside the aircraft and this is correctly indicated in CAS Msg with DOOR as well. A correct Oxygen behavior is also executed between FL 120 and 180. I am not able to close that door either from Payload menu or from inside the aircraft. I can only open the door. This transition state happens only, when I combine to sims with master and external visual. How can I fix that? When I change the 2nd sim back from the external visuals to the master, the backdoor can - be opened and closed, when I hit the button for the settings window exactly in that moment, the backdoor is CLOSED. - not be opened or closed again, when I hit the button for the settings window exactly in that moment, the backdoor is CLOSING. The yellow CLOSING state keeps frozen. When I connect the sim back to external visuals, the situation is as before. I can change the backdoor between OPEN and CLOSED/CLOSING. Several features are not controlled by the master – external visual network, I know. Especially the Payload menu must be separately set into the same state on both Sims, but that should work! I did some other trials with the 2nd sim without success: 1. change aircraft with laminar aircraft back and forth. 2. start aircraft with a new airframe 3. starting sim with the saved flight.sit from the 1st sim (master) Are there any ideas how to fix that problem?
  3. sorry, but no improvement -
  4. … for Pils: I followed your recommendation and removed mainly SAM, X-WORLD Europe and some other plugins, but the error remained. I changed my current aircraft with an open released ATC window to C172 standard and loaded the SR22 with running engine afterwords. Then I tried to close the window by pressing the X in the upper right corner, and while pressing the X the Sim disappeared with a Submit crash report window. But this time I could send it to laminar and hope they will find a solution (see enclosures). This is strong repeatable, better as the other spontaneous freezes and crashes. Coop: any new ideas from the log.txt file? 20240731 Crash Log.txt
  5. My Sim crashes every time, when opening the ATC window. See Log.txt at the end. Unforunately the "Submit Crash Report" didn't come to an end ... and could only be stopped with "Cancel". Have you any idea for the reason? Crash 20240724 Log.txt
  6. Thanks, Anthony, for your reply. But the issue is independed from my room light. I had a similar experience with the Phenom 300, where the Reflections can be disabled with its Plugin Tool. Thus I hoped there might be any similar solution for the Cirrus. But seems not - The producers are different.
  7. Hi friends, sometimes with sun from back the panel is dazzling to much (see picture). Is it possible to disable the reflections? O. k., I can change the time, but it's only a workaround ...
  8. O. K. I can see the reaction of the lamp. But pls. bear with me; I have only Sim experience and don’t feel cold air at my feet – So pls. have a look to the picture to ensure, if I have understood correctly. Everything correct? P. S.: If I want to defrost the screen, I would turn the Cabin Heat to Hot, of course. But this view is only for my understanding.
  9. O. k. thanks, Coop. On the right side of the ECS panel is a button, containing a repeat symbol (see picture). What is its function? It seems to be modeled, but the lamp doesn’t switch on, when I do several trials with switches on the bolster panel.
  10. Not satisfying, but thanks for your response -
  11. In your SR22 AIM.pdf on page 4-2 within Inadvertent Icing Encounter I find Windshield Defrost ................ FULL OPEN Where can I find that switch?
  12. In comparision with the SR22 Laminar I try to use a comparable Weight, Balance, & Fuel. Therefore I use the FSE Override and tried to fill the menu accordingly. But I stumbled over some errors: 1. I discovered that the TKS and Oxigene indication on the System page don't react. They always stay on maximum values. 2. When changing the Units from Metric to US everything is changed from KG to lbs including the TKS. But that value should be in gal. It should better fit to your description on page 2-13 in SR22 AIM.pdf, and shouldn't be worse than the Laminar SR22 - 3. Futhermore I discovered that the Pilot, Passenger and Baggage is set back to 0.0 when changing the aircraft back and forth. The Laminar SR22 bring them back corrrectly. I use XP Rev 12.07r1 and TorqueSim SR22 G1000 2.0.1 All three items work correctly with SR22 Laminar. What's your opinion to that?
  13. Hi Captains, I installed the latest Version on XP12. Since I had only 20 FPS instead of 33 with V1.4.0 in XP11, I tried to update it on XP11 as well. I ran the same installer.exe, and the process looked pretty similar, but the result was again V1.4.0. Could anybody confirm, that it isn't possible to load V2.0.1 in XP11?
  14. Just another question: for calculation the landingspeed with 1.3*Vs, I found Vs speeds on Pg 5-2 in TS-SR22-AIM.pdf. There I find the abbreviation CG and in the table FWD CG and AFT CG. What do they mean? Thanks in advance -
  15. o. k., after first rolling, taxiing on page 3-10, that's clear, but on page 3-14 I was passing the Descent checklist ...?!
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