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Everything posted by Jacoba

  1. FYI, I just downloaded a couple of apps for Mac and installed them w/o any issues. I'm still investigating on my end.
  2. Did the restart, but still unable to install. Click on the installer, the icon "jumps" like they usually do but then nothing... nada. I am logged in as Admin on my system.
  3. I running Mac OS X 10.6.4, Let me try the restart. BRB...
  4. I've downloaded the zip. Unzipped it and get the folder with the installers etc... Click on C152-osx-installer.app and nothing... just sits there.
  5. RNAV and NBD Approaches are two different animals, just like VOR/DME and RNAV are two separate approaches. The reason they still maintain VOR and NDB's and the FAA certifies and publishes these approaches is that GPS is not a required element for IFR navigation and is not yet mandatory. Not everyone has an IFR approved GPS. Just installing a GPS in a plane does not give you the authority to fly IFR with it. It must be installed and approved for IFR navigation and IAP's. We have a turboprop twin that has a GPS installed and approved for enroute IFR navigation but not for approaches. If the approach is a NBD Approach, even if there is also a GPS approach (NBD/GPS) then you still, must have the ADF unit installed and operable to legally execute the approach. You cannot legally commence that type of approach until all elements of the approach, including the NDB station has been tuned and verified as operable. But... Until the X-Plane design team decides to create a workable GPS, even if its something on the line of the MSFS Default GPS or until add on makers can make a GPS for both PC and MAC versions of X-Plane with a level of function close to the real unit (Reality XP Style) there will be a need for ADF's in the sim. To me the one of the biggest short comings to XP is the default GPS. Heck even the default MSFS GPS blows XP's GPS out of the water. Reality XP is not supported for Mac users. That said, I feel that we are fast approaching turning point with X Plane and the quality of add on's across the board. All you have to do is just look whats offered up here and whats coming in the next six months.
  6. ADF Approaches are still quite common in the US as well as Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. A great number of these approaches are also GPS aka (ADF/GPS) Approaches, but if you read the fine print you will see that to legally complete the approach you must have a working ADF installed. The requirement is necessary because a GPS such as the one in X-Plane does not give you enough positional information relative to the station. Using the ADF needle is far more accurate than the small "tape" display the GPS gives you for determining relative bearing to the station as well as computing your leads for turns both inbound as well as outbound the NDB station. Now you can perform such approaches with the 430 or the 530 Garmin GPS because they have a moving map and full approach over lay. But you still have to back up the GPS with the ADF on those approaches as well.
  7. Beautiful! The only thing this critter is missing is a functional Garmin GPS, but we all know thats an X-Plane limit, one I hope Austin et al... correct soon!
  8. I'm working on that. I offered to trade them my cargo job for their bizjet job. Hopefully when the economy picks back up I'll land myself a gig with a jet
  9. Had the opportunity to crawl all over a brand spanking new Hawker 4000 today, smelled like a new Mercedes inside! I think I'm suffering from a contact high... ;D ;D ;D
  10. Jacoba

    Project 3

    The only other sound that sweeter is the sound of a Hawker 4000 spooling up! ;D ;D ;D
  11. Jacoba

    Project 3

  12. Ooops! Sorry, I didn't see the banner.
  13. [ image links delete - adult content banner ads on image hosting provider - Indi- ] Found these on google, thought I'd post'em... a kind of motivation perhaps?
  14. Amazing!!! Can't wait to fly this magnificent machine!
  15. I am confidently predicting the price will be somewhere between $1 dollar and the price of a good used Beech Sundowner! ;D
  16. Awesome!! Come here so I can give you a kiss!!! :-* :-* :-* :-*
  17. Lot's of people running X-Plane in Mac. Looking forward to the Mac version!
  18. and will have something extra "attached" to it. ;D ;D ;D
  19. Oh the memories! Years upon years ago, with the ink still wet on my temporary certificate I would rent and fly a Sundowner or a Musketeer from the local FBO and spend the last hour of the day in the pattern doing touch and go's. Those were truly the days, I do miss them so.
  20. Beautiful work!!!! :D
  21. Thats great news! Are you still planning to do the hawker 800/850/900 as well? You posted some screen shots of one with winglets not long ago.
  22. Think of it this way. When a Nuclear Sub is doing its most valuable work it operates in a state the submariners call "Gone Quite". They can go this way for days and weeks and during this time they are actually out of contact with the National Command Authority and the Joint Ops Center at the Pentagon. And the only way the DOD has of knowing what exactly is going on it to follow them with spy satellites, which usually shows them in some very sensitive location, where very serious work is being done. Usually Electronic spy stuff... But to use the analogy here, they've "gone quite"... serious work is in progress.
  23. Jacoba

    Project 3

    Sweet! They come with stains too! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  24. Sweet!
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