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Everything posted by Jacoba

  1. Thanks guys! I hope this is the beginning of a great adventure. So far everyone I've met and dealt with at the company has been great, helpful and has welcomed all of us new-hires with open arms. I haven't felt this excited about a job since my first official flying job, in a Beech Barron many moons ago. I thought I was on top of the world then, flying cargo in a beat up old Baron all night. Folks talk about having to work to stay current on night landing, but for us, back then we had to work hard to "stay current" on day landings! : There was about a year there that I did not log a single day takeoff or landing.
  2. Thanks guys! I'm hoping for Memphis, I don't live that far from there and could commute via car actually. That's where training will be is in Memphis. I'm looking forward to it.
  3. I was given a conditional offer of employment with a regional airline today, my first airline job since I began my flying career in 1996. I'm a bit excited even though I've heard more than one horror story about how life for a junior F/O can be at a regional. But hey, its what you make of it, I always say! Anyways my class date is Oct 11, all thats left is for my background check to come back clean, drug test to come back and my references to check out... which all of that will, so I guess baring the end of the world or something, I'm off to the airline. And my first jet job!
  4. Man! That would be a nice treat!
  5. What's the chances we will see an ungraded, improved GPS unit in XP10, maybe something closer to the spirt of the real Garmin 430/530? I would think that would be a great new addition a functional in-sim GPS that could replace the 430 simpleton we have now. I am also hoping that we see a more functional FMC with the addition of new airliners to XP10, but I don't expect it to touch the level of complexity we will see (hopefully soon) coming from the some of the offerings being previewed here. The GPS unit is a must for an improved XP10!
  6. Vne (Never exceed speed) in the Duchess is 194 knots IIRC... Which is only attainable in the real thing in a dive... during a hurricane
  7. The first turbo prop I ever flew was a 1989 Piper jet prop conversion. Oh man that thing was nice, sweet and FAST!!! Initial rate of climb was 2800 fpm, like a home sick angel! 300 knot cruise in the upper FL 20's It is an amazing machine, I hope you can capture the spirit of this beast in all its glory. The visual model is spectacular BTW! :D
  8. How are the rwys in TPA? I live in SRQ but usually just fly south and never really towards TPA, I remember seeing a Beech 76 last time I took off out of KVNC Are you asking about the condition of the runway surfaces? We usually land 18L its the shorter of the north south runways, 8300 feet. Its your typical grooved concrete surface and its in reasonably decent condition. IIRC 18R is the longest at 10 or 11,000 feet and I think they just resurfaced it not too terribly long ago.
  9. Yes its still flying as a trainer. I occasionally hear them on the radio when I make a daylight run down to TPA. Here is a better pic of it, http://www.airliners.net/photo/Beech-76-Duchess/1606107/M/
  10. That plane is a trainer at Ari Ben Aviators in Fort Pierce Florida! And its blue and white, or at least it was the last time I saw it...
  11. Oh Sweet! I did my Commercial Multi Add on in a Beech 76 Duchess. Very forgiving little twin.
  12. LOL... ;D
  13. With all the nice planes and add ons being previewed here, up coming releases and projects in development. I thought about asking others what they would like to see developed for XPlane. What plane or program would you like to see most, developed? I'd love to see someone develop a nice rendition of Cessnas Citation Mustang complete with a good working example of the G1000 cockpit. I'd also love to see Reality XP finally develop their GPS for Mac OSX. What about you?
  14. Jacoba

    Heinz 787

    You know, I hate to say it but this plane is a tragedy for X-Plane. In a time when the future (if any) of MSFS and its fan base is uncertain, X-Plane and its payware add-on developers should be striving as high as possible. Not producing material that compares to circa 2000 MSFS Freeware... I know it can be done, all the proof you need is right here on this very website. The MSFS crowd has been spoiled by so many ultra high end add on's by the likes of PMDG, Wilco 767PIC, Flight1, Eaglesoft etc... It will take nothing less to begin winning them over to X-Plane. I can't wait till we begin to see the release of the 747's here, the Hawker 4000, the 777 and the CRJ. I also have faith that version 2 of the MU-2 will be quite a step up and I hope that the King Air 200 is also still in production and will be of equal quality. I feel that if such a push can happen in the next 6 months or less, a flurry of payware quality equal to PMDG then not only will we force others to publish to the same standard or risk losing sales. The best advertisement will come from hundreds of very happy campers flooding the screenshot forums all across the net with pics of their new pride and joy's, wooing other potential X-Plane customers and finally convincing them its time to make the switch and come support XP for a while!
  15. How's the fire breathing Piper coming along?
  16. Hey Airbus, Any updates on this project?
  17. Care to do a copy and paste the comments over here in this forum? I can't go to the org anymore as I have been banned. I would, but the whole post and all the comments are gone...
  18. I've noticed the posts over on the .org questioning the quality of the 747-200 and its panel are gone... :
  19. Sadly that's the battle we current fight, when defending X-Plane in a predominantly MSFS world. Until we can begin showing off screenshots of such magnificent works as the Leading Edge Hawker 4000, 747-200/400, XP777 and the JRollins CRJ...
  20. Take a look at this 747-200 add on panel. I think it s just the panel for $5.00 http://homepage.hispeed.ch/amede/
  21. Yeah, the lack of panel shots make me skeptical. If they felt the exterior model was its strong points and avoided panel shots for that very reason, hoping that the buyer would be wooed by the model and forgive the shortcomings of the panel.... then I'd hate to see the panel.
  22. Absolutely! Thanks for the fast response and the replacement zip file.... I'm off to take the 152 up for a spin! ;D ;D ;D
  23. I know you will, thats' no biggie on my end. I'm just flummoxed, as this is the first time I've had anything like this with my Mac. Also I noticed the "installer" actually as an .app (application) extension and not the usual .dmg extension most Mac installers come with. Dunno if this matters or not.
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