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Everything posted by Jacoba

  1. They're magically delicious!
  2. Really, and I thought that only occurred over on Avsim Forums...
  3. Well, that's been the mindset in the MSFS add on market since FS98... Its almost like they thrive on the information void or something... it became almost a joke there for a while, late 90's early 2000's with several major developers. Infact I recall when Captain Sim came onto the market, literally out of nowhere and without any substantive nor verifiable information about their products. To that extent many were questioning if they really existed at all or were they even a scam... The lack of information or the intentional silence while it might be beneficial to the developers, it can hurt customers, potential customers and those curious enough to ask questions before putting up $30, $40 $60 or even $80 of their money. I guess it would be different if we were talking about a $5 add on... but some of these high end plane packages are well over $50... and a void of information and deafening silence from a developer who will be asking that much money from you isn't confidence inspiring at all...
  4. I was actually asking about current add-on projects not XP10 itself... Guess i should have been a bit more clear. I know XP10 is/has been undergoing a major overhaul, so that's almost a forgone conclusion that it'll be a while before we see it. But it seems the state of the add on's being developed has gone dormant and i was wondering if it was because of XP10 delays...
  5. Regarding information, progress reports and updates on existing current and forthcoming XP projects. Are we in a holding pattern until XP10 comes out? Seems that updates have dried up somewhat and the last info leaned in the direction of waiting on XP 10 to appear before moving forward...
  7. I think part of the problem is that somewhere along the line the idea of a "fully functional FMC" became the phantom industry standard from the lay customers point of view. But too few of them has/had any idea the amount of programming needed to create such a tool and many more really didn't understand its full purpose in the actual aircraft. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see a complex bizjet fully replicated in all its electronic glory for XPlane. But they are indeed complex monsters, the CL300 has one of the most complicated avionics suites going today. I'd love to see the Collins Pro Line 21 completely modeled, its free flight environment mode and its Jeppeson Chart Display with weather and flight overlay. But something along those lines would cost many thousands to develop and would end up costing end customers much more than the CRJ does.
  8. http://9to5mac.com/2011/07/19/oppenheimer-lion-launches-tomorrow/
  9. Thanks! I'll shoot you a trouble ticket! I'm using the most up to date OS 10.6.8 Again thanks for responding!
  10. I just downloaded the CRJ200 systems testing app for Mac and tried to run it... I unzipped it, clicked on it and the icon responded as Mac icons do by "flaring or jumping up" when you click them. Then nothing.... just sits there. Cameron maybe you recall when I purchased the C-152 (a few months back) I had the same issue with its installer. For reason I do not understand this is the only place I download stuff from that I have any issues with... :'( I've spoken to Apple about it, they had me download some test files, unzip and run them and all worked fine and they said it had to be something on this end... to contact ya'll... Anyways I want to buy the CRJ200 but before I did, was wondering if it uses a same/similar installer... if so is there a possible work around after I purchase? You guys have always taken care of the issues, so I'm not worried about that end... just worried I won't be able to use the CRJ due to this specific issue I'm having. Any pre-purchase advice? ???
  11. Jacoba


    Funny, folks were wanting a systems sim before it was released. The developer did their earnest to recreate the spirit of the systems, now folks want something the real one doesn't have... :-\
  12. The range profile is the most used by MU2 drivers. Its not about how high you can fly, its about how far you can go at a given weight.
  13. Amazing work tkyler! Trololo Cat is pleased ;D
  14. Considering Bombardier assists with such an install, I'm not sure how pilots have much to do with anything. its always our fault... or at least that's what management tells us...
  15. WHo ever posted about the add on fuel tanks is correct. Except they don't remove the seats, the PATS Tanks as they are called are designed to fit in the aft baggage compartment. And IIRC most of the lavatory plumbing is also removed for the ferry flight and installed once it arrives. Also parts of the galley can be removed to cut the weight down too.
  16. Is this the Shuttle Approach they told us about in IOE? What is that about a 25 or 30 deg glideslope? ;D
  17. Yeah I'm sorry but if that were me, the Ocean would be more or less uninhabitable for a few days... unless you like swimming in a septic tank.
  18. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/bunny http://www.rathergood.com/manatee http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com/ :-*
  19. In the US the type is common but you must still complete what is called "difference training", to crew both.
  20. Actually I completely understand that SOP for a Canadian carrier, many Canadian Jet routes are still NBD routes. NDB Approaches are very common in Canada as well as Alaska. We are limited by our destination cities and their respective pairing alternate(s).
  21. Speaking as someone who flies the CRJ for a living, albeit I've less than a years experience in the plane. It sounds like they have done what ever single airline who operates these little jets does, customize its capabilities according to their needs, wants and SOP. Regarding VNAV, its advisory only, the interface is actually inop. on our equipment. Which prohibits the A/P from following any VNAV commands the FMC gives it. We use the cue/symbology for simple route/enroute planning and visual reminders only. We still plot TOC and TOD the old fashion way, climb decent, crossing restrictions are all hand plotted and requires simple math on the part of the pilot to compute. We alos have ALOT of other restrictions as well. Such as GPS/RNAV approaches prohibited unless VMC and hand flown by the PIC.
  22. Does this one include an A380 that will run you over after you land at JFK? ;D ;D ;D
  23. I think the X-Plane in panel GPS/Moving Map has a looooooooooooooooooooong way to go before something like the G600 or G1000 could be done right. Its sad but the GPS is one of the poorest points in XP.
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