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Everything posted by Aaron737

  1. I will take a look in the archives. I believe I have one from a while back. I totally agree. We rarely use LVL change from cruise though the few times we have done the aircraft handles it quite well. We actually used it recently from cruise to catch our path from a late descent clearance in which we also reached a 5000-6000 fpm rate albeit the AP did this gradually with no more than -5 degress nose down. What I think the OP is experiencing and the same thing I have seen is an aggressive pitch down to 6000+ fpm in a matter of seconds with the speed blowing past the target speed. I'll try find my video.
  2. Hi Jan, I don't have XP12 since my computer can't handle it but I have always enjoyed flying your -300 in XP11. I recently got employed by a -300 operator so I now have the pleasure of flying the real thing! Beautiful plane to fly, I'm sure you have fond memories. To be fair to the original poster, I too had the same issue with LVL CHG in XP11. It would aggressively trim nose down to 6000fpm+ when commanded from cruise altitude - Exactly how they are describing it. I doubt it is user error since I have the same issue. I've noticed in the real bird LVL CHG can be a little sluggish at times but nothing to this extent. Might be worth looking into? Maybe it's a plugin conflict or something? Just thought I would give my two cents. Cheers
  3. Does this app still work? I have latest version of the app and plugin and I always get error 50. I have set the port and IP address correctly along with the firewall rule and still won’t connect.
  4. First, there are many elements I enjoy about this plane. It's very immersive and fun to hand fly. Great work! I understand VNAV has its quirks though I am usually happy to manage my own descents when VNAV has problems. However, when I use FLCH from cruise it doesn't gradually ease into the descent. Rather, it agressivly points the nose about 10 degrees down and then slowly rises to find the speed. Meanwhile the mach has increased significantly and I have quite a few sick virtual passengers in the back. Is this a known bug? Couldn't seem to find it on the list. Thanks, Aaron
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