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  1. I installed it for the Challenger 650, used your template thanks for that. When i turn knobs, the selected values increase, but when i turn counterclockwise, values keep rising! Sometimes it works, if i wait a while, turning the other way will decrease. Strange ! Any ideas whats going on and how to fix this? Buttons below the knobs dont seem to react or work. Thanks,
  2. Thanks for the procedure clarification to rebalance the tanks. Today I had an imbalance of 800 lbs , and it took me over 25 mins to balance them. Is this normal ? If on the ground and the APU is on, can we preemptively prevent an imbalance by turning on the R to Aux button ?
  3. I installed the CL650 V1.4. yesterday, and I am having the same HUD problem (inop, no lights or indications on it) I am re-attaching the LOG.TXT, if you can please check the issue? Also, if there is any other issues I would much appreciate any observations on that? Thanks, Log.txt
  4. HYG thanks
  5. Yes the aircraft at 1000 feet (AP disengage) was tracking correctly and I continued manually towards the runway in what seemed to be a crabbing situation. I checked the winds twice at it was set to zero at ground and up to higher altitude. Fuel was balanced prior to take off I attached a photo
  6. Yes the HUD light knob is turned clockwise fully. I tried the other way but nothing. I do not have any shader modifications. The HUD used to work fine till suddenly it stopped even after restarting the sim and the aircraft starting in non persistent mode.
  7. I seem to be struggling with controlling thrust when disconnecting the autopilot at 1000 feet I disengage ATS, autopilot and fly manually. Yet the speed does not decay even at almost idle power. The speed often hovers around 125-130. Just prior to disengaging autopilot and ATS, should I advance my throttle quadrant above idle? I never physically advanced the throttles quadrant at take off because I simply press ATS on the runway to get automatic thrust (in the sim). Yet my throttle quadrant control remains at idle (on the quadrant) throughout the flight until disconnecting AP before landing. So what is the trick to manage the transition (on my throttle quadrant) to get a smooth power management ?
  8. HYG
  9. Landing in EPRZ today, winds were zero and doubled checked Aircraft at finals is crabbing, seems at a large angle with respect to centerline. It’s as if it was a cross wind landing. Checked flight controls. All flight surfaces were normal and nothing out of the ordinary with the aircraft fully configured for landing. Any ideas why this could be happening? video attached. IMG_2082.MOV
  10. Is XPREALISTIC compatible with the product ? I like some of its features like the touch down effect and a few others. When using this the plane shakes in cruise level despite all related settings in XPREALISTIC being turned off.
  11. I could not find any of the suggested controls to do the mapping. The first “captains wheel flight director” doesn’t seem to be default and the other suggested also isn’t there!
  12. Hello My HUD is blank, no indications on it. I maximized the HUD light with the same issue. Any ideas what’s going on ? SAM
  13. The pitch sync command which is standard in X plane. I mapped it to a button on my yoke. Didn’t work. I mapped to a keyboard command, with the same result. I watched a video on YouTube of the HotStart challenger pilot performing a take off, at 1000 feet he presses pitch sync to hold the attitude and the autopilot is pressed after.
  14. Hello, I am trying to learn how to perform a well controlled rate of climb on take off using the pitch sync button. I mapped this function to one of my yoke buttons. After take off I press this button but nothing happens (don’t see SYNCH PITCH appear on the upper area of the PFD). I tried mapping to a keyboard short function yet the same thing. Nothing happens. Am I doing anything wrong ?
  15. Hello is there a way to automatically transfer fuel to auxiliary to remain balanced ? I noticed when running on APU for extended periods, the left tank depletes faster ? thanks Hussam
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