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Everything posted by qazme

  1. Just had it happen in front of my eyes. Hitting "CLR" to remove the FPL page caused buttons to disappear and the buttons on the right hand screen to quit working and it's reproducible.
  2. Mine loads up in that state. Pressing CLR for a few seconds did restore the buttons so it seems. It might be apart of what's going on with the other Garmin issue I'm seeing that I noted here: Funny enough doing the CLR for a few seconds to reset the button also causes the buttons not working to work again!! It's definitely caused by the same code somewhere!!
  3. Sounds like you have an empty oxygen bottle. Go to maintenance tab in the aircraft panel. Click "Inspect Oxygen System" before your next flight. Once you do that you can verify if it did anything by checking your Xplane Directory/Output/SR22/logbook/TN_Oxygen System_<the date>.txt. Inside that file you should see something like this: TorqueSim SR22TN Maintenance Report Inspected Oxygen System ENGINE ENTRIES SYSTEMS ENTRIES Serviced oxygen system with 1,800 psi of aviator´s oxygen This means you now have 1800 psi of Oxygen on board. If you turn on the button and no lights light up, check the "Engine" page in the Garmin and you will see an Oxygen PSI Gauge which will show you an actual lbs read out of what's available in the bottle. If both of those are zero turning up the air on the value will naturally not do anything. If you are seeing it's refilled and the gauge reads you have PSI you might have a bug to report. In that event I would attach a log file so the TS guys can give you a hand. Much more than this I'm not sure what to tell you.
  4. Second flight with a full sim reload. Same results can't use the buttons on the right Garmin as listed in post #1. On my next leg I will do a reset and see if when adding passenger if that's when they quit working or not. I'm leaning heavily that way at the moment. Issue found and attached to: If you hold the "CLR" button down for a few seconds to load default state on the Garmin button functionality returns.
  5. If you zoom it it's marked with "altitudes". (preset flow rates) Once you turn the switch on for oxygen when you rotate the left black dial you will see a white ball move to the altitude you are flying at. Check every 1500-2000 feet for matching altitudes in the flow meter with actual altitude past 12000 feet. Marked adjustment altitude vary from 8000ft to 250. As seen in the sceenshot below I'm currently cruising at FL250.
  6. @snomhf this is what I do and consistently get starts. Mixture + throttle to full Prime for three seconds - no more than that or it floods (high boost/prime) then turn back off. throttle to 1/4" open turn key to crank for 2-3 seconds. If while turning the key it seems like it doesn't want to crank, while cranking bring throttle to idle and ease back up slowly. It will turn over. Once warm it start just about instantly.
  7. So as one does I purchased my 14 hour old SR-22 on FSE. Now ferrying it up to the Caribbean from Central Brazil. After a 4.5 hour flight I prepared for descent into Barbados. I knew thunderstorms where ahead but winds were reporting 11kts gusting to 15kts with potential shear in the area. Well long story short 16nm from the airport the shear kicked in and erased any thoughts about an "on rails" flight model (it flew so well I questioned it a bit). Once I hit shear it abruptly noses up, I fought 3 to 4 of these before it caught be off guard. On the 5th nose up I lost all nose down attitude the plane immediately went 90 degrees straight and proceeded to stall sending the nose backwards over the tail into an almost uncontrollable series of loops and just when I thought I had it under control, upside down and headed to the earth with throttles chopped I went to pull it back level. Just as I was about to breathe a shy of relief another shear hit that culminated in me just starting to enter a flat spin at 3500 feet. It was a battle from start to finish about 45 seconds into fighting for recovery I looked at my altitude and saw me broaching 1800 feet, I had roughly 800 feet to make a decision. Can this be saved? Should I go for the CAPS? I was on the edge - decided to continue to fight - at ~950 feet recovery happened, I waited too long but I did it! What could have been a disaster of pilot error flying into conditions they probably shouldn't, low on fuel and oxygen - nowhere else to go I saved it. I was now 8 miles from the airport at which I decided I would finish at 1500 feet, shaking from adrenaline. It's the first time in a VERY long time that a simulator actually had me sitting on the ramp, engine off, thinking holy cow that was hard, interesting, exciting, scary, challenging and a true practice of years of simulator practice paying off in a very practical way. I felt accomplished! To the group who made the plane and continue to improve it. Thank you - this weekend has been fun, but this afternoon has been a resharpening on things I need to practice more and be a little less lazy about - flight planning w/ alternate routes, stall and spin recovery, and most importantly having fun! And importantly - I now know the flight model is pretty darn accurate! ;-)
  8. @Coop good to know - I just noticed that this afternoon playing around with different load outs trying to fix another issue I'm having. By any chance, and I know you're all busy currently, you can put together a list of known issues and what's being addressed in a sticky? Might make some people's lives easier and keep your workload here down a little. I'll deliver virtual cookies to you with my new SR22 if you can make that happen. ;-)
  9. Didn't have this issue last night - however I'm currently in a flight and some of the buttons on the right hand Garmin quit working. Opening it in a pop-out also does not fix the issue. Looking at the Garmin with FPL open what works: Engine Map CHKList What doesn't: View VNV Prof CNCL Vnav VNV -D-> ATK Offset ACT Leg Worked earlier in the flight and all night last night. The only thing I've done is load a saved flight plan (900+ total miles) with a midway stop. Monitored engine page through climb and did the lean assist after reaching a 24,000 cruise. As far as the Garmin is concerned. The only other thing I've done that I did differently from last night was load a pilot and passengers into the plane via the load manager page. Unfortunately I didn't try this before I started my flight to know if this was caused by the flow of things I did - or if it was some sort of loading issue. I did load straight into the plane and did not load the C172 before this time. I'm not sure if that would have changed things or not. I've tried numerous things to fix it from changing pages, changing views, resetting my view point etc. Nothing I can do seems to rectify the issue. I've attached my log file in case there's something I'm missing. Only error I see that might relate to this in the log was this line # 3490 -> but if I'm not mistaken that found bound keys on a controller and I'm using a recycled joystick config from another plane, so there could be commands that are happening on a button that don't apply to this plane: 0:22:15.992 G64: warn: Undefined function: ProcessKeyPress RawKeys_OnKeyHold Also an ask to make troubleshooting and a cleaner log in the future. Would it be possible to squelch the lines that say: 2020-07-26 16:55:49 SR22TN[g1000_literalDraw.hpp:524]: Current Fuel: 75.000 Change Fuel: 75 To not repeat over themselves if the previous line contains the same values? Might not be feasible but figured I'd ask. Log.txt
  10. Another hint, that probably isn't realistic to the real plane, but play with the throttle while cranking. My flow: 1. Full rich -> full throttle -> prime for 3 seconds. 2. Prime off -> throttle off. 3. Throttle to 1/4". 4. Key to start. If it starts terrific! If not, throttle to zero slowly increasing while cranking until it starts. Generally it start up almost instantly in that case. Sometime I find I was either a bit too much on the throttle or not enough, but this seems repeatable.
  11. Look in the arm rest. The flow gauge is in there and has activation points. I fiddled with it so I must have turned it on and didn't realize it. I flew up to 21,000 last night and it went fine - so that has to be it. ;-) (Also if you didn't know and while you're in there - click the headset plugin spot, you'll get some noise cancellation!)
  12. @Ant1matt3r you know I would expect no less from this plane LOL. Not sure why I didn't think about that in reality. Thanks for pointing that out!!
  13. Yeah no joke Cameron - I fiddled for about 2 hours on and off last night just dying to get in the air. This is how I finished about 6 hours of flying in it last night! A sunset flight in South America getting back towards the Bahama's to do some island hoping ;-) Now to get a pilot in the cockpit - lol. I noticed someone else's screenshots had one, gotta find the option!
  14. Only other thing I could think of would be missing the C Redistributable. Hopefully one of the TS guys will be along before long and get you fixed up.
  15. Interesting - I assume you turned on the avionics switch as well? Mine both turn on as soon as I turn both batteries on.
  16. Thanks Cameron for being so quick to give it a look. I'm now well into 3 hours of flight. Not finding any real issues once you get it into the air. I've stopped and reloaded the plane fresh once and the start up issue seems to be user error on my part. I think others might be having the same issue. I found it was from having either the throttle a touch too far forward or from flooding the prime. If I prime for 3 seconds and start to crank it's fine. If not I can pull the throttle back just a hair and it cranks right up. The other issues I'm sure you all will resolve quickly. Once flying around this plane is brilliant, pair really well right along the TBM (granted different beast, but similar quality all around when it comes to system simulation and flight model quality!!)
  17. Finally managed to get it cranked. Not sure if user error or an issue. I loaded the standard SR22, then loaded the C172, then loaded the SR22TN. Seemed to start fine, but stubborn on the start. From watching CitationMax's stream it may have been me just simply having it wrong. CTD is only returning if I swap livery, plane type etc. So far flown ~1 hour with no issues.
  18. PC here. Same results as @freezer41 . Crashed during activation. Reload the sim, select SR22TN loads fine. Can't start it. Reload into the SR22, can't start it. Select to swap to SR22TN crash. Always back to desktop. Gizmo log is showing it's activated. Xplane log shows OpenGWS stopped and SR22 physics plugin stopped right before crash. This has not been a great experience so far. I'll help where I can if there's something specific we can report that might help.
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