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Files posted by Hampster

  1. ETNZ AC72 (prototype)

    ETNZ AC72 - X-Plane Prototype
    This is my initial go at making the hydro-foiling AC72 catamaran, three of which featured in the last America's Cup in San Francisco, two of which were of the same design which I have modelled in X-plane. 
    A rundown of features: 
    Fully tacking model, even with a crew (in this case Dean Barker and his team) that cross the boat. Onboard view, you can look from the helm's point of view in 3d cockpit mode.  Full hydro-foiling capability, though you need to take the steering slow. Average flight speed of 35kts, the average speed of these boats.  Custom sounds to make the experience realistic Two liveries, respective to the two teams who used this design: ETNZ and Luna Rossa Be Warned: Last year when I made this model, I got it tested on other computers, and it did not tack properly. Something to do with the dataref issue and how my objects were attached. It worked fine for me however. If there is an issue and you can use Planemaker, and have a try fixing the angles of gear retraction until it works. You don't need my permission to re-release an improved version, it's barely a finished model, and deserves more attention. I expect this model to work in V10, however I have only tested this in V9.
    Unfortunately I made a far more detailed model but it is currently locked in a hard-disk of a failed iMac. Give it a try though!
    Given that this might be my last upload to X-Plane for a while, I would like to say that X-Plane has been one of the greatest tools in learning my passions during my adolescent years. My first release in 2009, an embarrassing attempt at making a supersonic jet, got me hooked on messing about with the simulator in spare time. I asked dad to use his adobe software to make textures, and I soon learned about basic flight and what it takes to make aircraft as well as how to make paints. 
    Through the process of painting, designing and thinking about my planes, I developed a skill and passion for graphic design and engineering. I am now putting the things I learned to the test in real life, as I am midway through building my personally designed hydro-foiling high performance skiff, as well as taking on graphic design jobs as I finish my final year of school. Without X-plane, I'm sure I would not have had the confidence or experience to do these things as well as I do today.
    Thanks to the community for their support over the years, and although the detail in professional models is hard to beat in X-Plane 10, don't be discouraged to fiddle about with X-Plane! It could teach you heaps. 
    Enjoy your sailing! 




  2. International Moth - Hydrofoiling Sailing Dinghy

    Some Notes:
    The International Moth was quite a challenge to get going in X-Plane. The basic principles of sailing are never easy to replicate, and hours of tweaking in V9.7 left me with this version. I find it fun to play with, I hope you do too!
    The steering is sluggish, but it does not create drag like a water rudder. The twitchy rudder of the moth, I'm afraid, will never be super-realistic based on the platform I have created. The speed though, does reflect the actual thing, with foiling capabilities at about 9 kts + of boat speed, and a top speed of 21 kts.
    The model is driven by a jet, not 'sailing' per say, but yet again the chances of getting a wind driven model in x-plane to foil is very unlikely. It's the annoying lack of lateral resistance!
    I built this model in v9.7, so I can't guarantee that it will work exactly the same in v10. It probably will...




  3. Vestas Sailrocket

    Vestas Sailrocket for X-Plane.
    This is a model of the record breaking Vestas Sailrocket. It can only sail on one tack, but uses basic physics to achieve great speeds.
    Vestas Sailrocket currently holds:
    Fastest 500m speed average record: 65.45 Kts, 121 kmph, 75.2 mph
    Fastest nautical mile speed average record: 55.32 Kts, 102.45 kmph
    (This boat is faster than Hydroptere)
    I have tried to re-enact Sailrocket for X-Plane as a basic simulation. Although the wind angle is not accurate in the simulator, you can still expect similar handling and lift effects that happens on the real thing.
    In the real world, the pressures coming off the hydrofoil and the wing sail equal out to create a balanced forward movement. As the speed increases the wing beam on the boat lifts the sail section to flight and the boat is half skimming, half hydro-foiling at about 2.5 times the speed of the wind. The apparent wind speed swings forward so the boat is sailing almost directly into the wind. The offset of the fuselage is designed to point exactly into the apparent wind angle in order to decrease drag.
    In X-Plane, there is no balanced force coming off the hydrofoil because water resistance underwater is not calculated. That is why you need the wind at the aft quarter of the boat, to blow it along without it slipping to leeward. The model works, but it can only to two thirds of the speed of the wind.
    Make sure that the wind direction is in the aft quarter of the boat. If you set the wind angle too far forwards the wing sail will stall and you will never get out of irons. It will take a bit of trial and error to get the thing at the right angle, and you can do this by flicking in and out of weather setup menu to adjust wind speed and direction.
    Once you get it right the boat should just take off and normalize its heading.
    I have tested this model in up to 200 Kts of wind speed! (got it cruising along at about 170kts)
    You will find when you increase the wind speed the wing sail will flip upwards and the boat will fly at a 45 degree angle. Lover the wing flap and this will make the boat level out.
    I don't expect everybody to get this boat going, but if you do, I hope you have fun! (I'm thinking of doing a trans-atlantic sail soon)
    I hope you enjoy sailing X-Plane's fastest boat!
    And if you like it, rate it!


    1 comment


  4. 316 SpaceShipOne - Feathering Beta

    316 SpaceShipOne - Feathering Beta

    For X-Plane 9 and 10

    The Story:
    In the middle of the Mojave desert, Burt Rutan and his team at scaled composites wheeled out the model 316 SpaceShipOne from its hangar to begin a day that would go down in history.
    Later that day, September the 29th 2004, WhiteKnight climbed to 53,000 FT with SpaceShipOne under its belly. Inside SpaceShipOne was pilot Mike Melvill, and on the ground below was mission control working to get the space craft up to its target altitude. Time came for the drop, so WhiteKnight released SS1. And after 10 seconds of silence SpaceShipOne fired its rocket to begin its voyage into space. It climbed to 102.9 km (above 300,000 ft) from the earth's surface, and Became the first privately funded spacecraft ever to cross the Karmen line.
    Days later pilot Brian Binnie flew SpaceShipOne up to 112 Km from the earth's surface, breaking Mike Melvill's record and sealing the future of space travel.
    The great sir Richard Branson is now creating the new Virgin Galactic space-line, using Burt Rutans experience to create a new pair of vehicles that shall be called 'WhiteKnightTwo (VSS Eve)' & 'SpaceShipTwo (VSS Enterprise)'.* Sir Richard Branson has now set up a new spaceport in New Mexico where you can take off and travel safely for a cheap fee of $ 200,000 USD.
    *WhiteKnight2 and SpaceShipTwo are for download on the org, made by Voidhwak9.
    FEATHERING BETA - I used inverted objects under a flap actuated dataref to make the iconic feathering system that made Burt Rutan's design so popuar. I then went on to invert the airfoils so I could get the proper drag characteristics, but this meant that I had to supplement the loss of lift with an extra invisible airfoil. The only way to land this version safely is to turn the thermal rate up to abnormal heights. This aircraft is open to the community to tweak with, there are many problems with flight and therefore this is a beta version.
    • Stunning detailed features such as landing gear and flame
    • Fully customized cockpit
    • sounds - off the real solid rocket test audio (plus a more realistic wind sound)
    • User manual, cockpit manual, poster, and an easy 5 step manual for setting up the historic space flight...
    • ...and a whole lot more!
    This aircraft can be a bit twitchy in high speeds, this is caused by your frame rate not the flight model.
    For a detailed step by step look at the flight in 2004: http://joeschwartz.net/extras/SpaceShipOne/index.htm
    Scaled Composites: http://www.scaled.com/projects/tierone/
    With thanks:
    Everybody below deserves my highest compliments.
    Alge2: Note that he has given me permission to re-create his SS1 model, but unfortunately his model had a bug so I couldn't proceed with improving his aircraft. I will mention him for his kindness in giving me the basis to make my own flight model, and his achievements in X-Plane space flight should be acknowledged.
    Enjoy flying the highly acclaimed space flight phenomenon, and if you like it, rate it!




  5. 316 SpaceShipOne

    316 SpaceShipOne

    For X-Plane 9 and 10

    The Story:
    In the middle of the Mojave desert, Burt Rutan and his team at scaled composites wheeled out the model 316 SpaceShipOne from its hangar to begin a day that would go down in history.
    Later that day, September the 29th 2004, WhiteKnight climbed to 53,000 FT with SpaceShipOne under its belly. Inside SpaceShipOne was pilot Mike Melvill, and on the ground below was mission control working to get the space craft up to its target altitude. Time came for the drop, so WhiteKnight released SS1. And after 10 seconds of silence SpaceShipOne fired its rocket to begin its voyage into space. It climbed to 102.9 km (above 300,000 ft) from the earth's surface, and Became the first privately funded spacecraft ever to cross the Karmen line.
    Days later pilot Brian Binnie flew SpaceShipOne up to 112 Km from the earth's surface, breaking Mike Melvill's record and sealing the future of space travel.
    The great sir Richard Branson is now creating the new Virgin Galactic space-line, using Burt Rutans experience to create a new pair of vehicles that shall be called 'WhiteKnightTwo (VSS Eve)' & 'SpaceShipTwo (VSS Enterprise)'.* Sir Richard Branson has now set up a new spaceport in New Mexico where you can take off and travel safely for a cheap fee of $ 200,000 USD.
    *WhiteKnight2 and SpaceShipTwo are for download on the org, made by Voidhwak9.
    This is part 2 of my X-Prize duo for X-Plane 9 and 10. SpaceShipOne, for any aviation enthusiast, is probably more notable than any other space craft venture in the history of flight; and it is my pleasure to be able to bring a life size, and detailed model to the wonderful X-Plane community!
    The previous versions of this aircraft (created by other members) were always too small, only big enough to fit one person, so this is an improvement. It now fits WhiteKnight and many other drop mother ships, more realistically. Just my luck too, as I have managed to release this historic bird with the version 2 release of WhiteKnight!
    Things in this aircraft package include:
    • Stunning detailed features such as landing gear and flame
    • Fully customized cockpit
    • sounds - off the real solid rocket test audio (plus a more realistic wind sound)
    • User manual, cockpit manual, poster, and an easy 5 step manual for setting up the historic space flight...
    • ...and a whole lot more!
    This aircraft can be a bit twitchy in high speeds, this is caused by your frame rate not the flight model.
    For a detailed step by step look at the flight in 2004: http://joeschwartz.net/extras/SpaceShipOne/index.htm
    Scaled Composites: http://www.scaled.com/projects/tierone/
    With thanks:
    Everybody below deserves my highest compliments.
    Alge2: Note that he has given me permission to re-create his SS1 model, but unfortunately his model had a bug so I couldn't proceed with improving his aircraft. I will mention him for his kindness in giving me the basis to make my own flight model, and his achievements in X-Plane space flight should be acknowledged.
    Ultimate Flier: For doing model testing and commenting on performance in X-Plane 9 and 10, thanks UF!
    Enjoy flying the highly acclaimed space flight phenomenon, and if you like it, rate it!




  6. M-53 - Soviet SST

    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/p0qjp8CKmx0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    ^This is a video of V1 M-53, with primitive flame, textures and landing gear^
    The highly acclaimed SST is back with another update! (and now compatible with XPX!)
    This plane was a Vladimir Mayasischev design (1950s) and only existed on pen and paper. Unfortunatley, it never made it further along the line, due resources not being strong enough.This is definitely the best plane I've done; and I've put alot more work into it than all of my other planes.
    This awesome plane includes....
    High Res textures - Improved
    LIT textures
    Almost fully customised cockpit
    Hi Res outer cockpit window - no pixel visible even at a low texture render in X-plane!
    Custom sounds
    Five liveries (Modern and old Aeroflot, White, Silver, and 'Experimental')

    And in the cockpit, there is a constantly updating log showing leading edge temp, clock, and fuel.
    The 'Custom flame' is now reverted to norm due to realism, the landing gear problem encountered earlier is now fixed (with three gear dollys and set up based on a later interpretation of the design)... And a whole lotta new! (see the screenshot for more)
    A huge thanks to bargbill, for his fabulous job at making the bird land slower than concorde! He is a great freind and a useful companion when I'm stuck with things, we should all give him a great pat on the back!
    Also I should thank FTLDave for giving me the drawings in the first place, and introducing me to this beautiful bird.
    And to alshe, the master of planemaker, for his sounds.
    (note that the engine souds are different though)
    some more info....... http://www.testpilot...ev/m/53/m53.htm http://www.aviation.ru/Mya/#50
    Sit back and relax, enjoy your flight... If you like it, rate it!




  7. 318 WhiteKnightOne

    318 WhiteKnightOne

    Version 2 for X-Plane 9 and 10

    The Story:
    In the middle of the Mojave desert, Burt Rutan and his team at scaled composites wheeled out the model 318 WhiteKnightOne from its hangar to begin a day that would go down in history.
    Later that day, September the 29th 2004, WhiteKnight climbed to 53,000 FT with SpaceShipOne under its belly. Inside SpaceShipOne was pilot Mike Melvill, and on the ground below was mission control working to get the space craft up to its target altitude. Time came for the drop, so WhiteKnight released SS1. And after 10 seconds of silence SpaceShipOne fired its rocket to begin its voyage into space. It climbed to 102.9 km (above 300,000 ft) from the earth's surface, and Became the first privately funded spacecraft ever to cross the Karmen line.
    Days later pilot Brian Binnie flew SpaceShipOne up to 112 Km from the earth's surface, breaking Mike Melvill's record and sealing the future of space travel.
    The great sir Richard Branson is now creating the new Virgin Galactic space-line, using Burt Rutans experience to create a new pair of vehicles that shall be called 'WhiteKnightTwo (VSS Eve)' & 'SpaceShipTwo (VSS Enterprise)'.* Sir Richard Branson has now set up a new spaceport in New Mexico where you can take off and travel safely for a cheap fee of $ 200,000 USD.
    *WhiteKnight2 and SpaceShipTwo are for download on the org, made by Voidhwak9.
    After the initial post of this aircraft in late november last year, I have received many wonderful comments about this aircraft, but also a lot of suggestions to improve. So, I have worked long and hard to bring the community an improved WhiteKnightOne, which now has the accompanying SpaceShipOne to complete the historic duo in X-Plane.
    This aircraft journey started for me around 2 years ago, when I decided to create the most detailed aircraft I could make. I have put 60 + hrs into the cockpit alone, to get it to function as good as the real thing, and the outer model has undergone countless hours of tweaking to get it up to the standard I set. Now, I believe that it is time to give 2 years of development back to the X-Plane community to enjoy.
    Thanks to everybody in the community for their support!
    • New 3D outer glass effect, and transparent glass
    • Improved outer bodies, with refined shape and new paint
    • Jet engines changed from 'High bypass' to 'low bypass'
    • SFC is changed
    • Improved engine nacelles
    • Changed CG
    • Integrated to carry aircraft
    • Edited fuselage
    • Easier cockpit
    • Edited user manuals etc...
    • New gear configuration
    • Frequently noted is the massive amount of afterburner thrust, in which I have kept. This is simply because the specifications define this amount, not me.
    Things in this aircraft package include:
    • Spinning 3D fan blades
    • Fully customized cockpit
    • sounds - off the real engine
    • Detailed exterior, i.e. Gear, Fuselage... Practically up to 3D standard
    • User manual, cockpit manual, and flight poster...
    • ...and a whole lot more!
    Use the trim, it is very handy for keeping the aircraft easy to fly, and remember to throttle off if you feel too overpowered...
    For a detailed step by step look at the flight in 2004: http://joeschwartz.net/extras/SpaceShipOne/index.htm
    Scaled Composites: http://www.scaled.com/projects/tierone/
    With thanks:
    Everybody below deserves my highest compliments.
    Andrew Gorman (Gjalp) : For modeling the rotating fan.
    Brent123: For animating the rotating fan
    Bargbill: For being there right at the start of this project
    Fudge Graphics: For their paper texture in the flight poster
    Enjoy flying V2 of the highly acclaimed space flight phenomenon, and if you like it, rate it!




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