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Everything posted by Hampster

  1. That is a cool vid, although the side pods on the plane are a bit chunky. I salute to all the people who ever endevoured to fully customise a whole cockpit! My gosh it is slow work. I have also created an SS1 model, but it doesn't work on my CPU for some reason, so I am probably going to give it to someone else to finish. The exsisting SS1 V9 aircraft are too small.
  2. I am bad at making cockpits, so I made this so that I can see what the buttons may look like in the sim....
  3. Going to the viewpoint menu won't fix anything because X-plane has a funny way of prioritizing objects inside objects. It depletes some objects if it is inside another body that has a texture. Think of it as a sandwich, bottom bread, ham, and top bread. The ham is in between the bread and therefore you can not see it. What you should do is place the pilot where you want it and see if it shows inside the aircraft while it is in the simulator. Does the pilot show in the simulator? (Planemaker shows only the outer structures and cockpit object if it is inside the fuselage, smaller wideframed objects will not show unless in sim.)
  4. I had good luck to find a 3D modeller, and this is what he has made so far! Looks good doesn't it?
  5. Question for carlos: Why don't you open up a new thred called 'What did Carlos fly today?' and post your pics there, it'd be a good journal of all your flights.
  6. Then there's the 500D flying around the island 'huahine', truly the best flight I had in my life, virtually, that is
  7. Very impressive carlos! I needed a break from WK dev so Flew to my hearts content! Featured in the following pics: The E6 over taranaki and far in the distance via a short flight from AA to NS.
  8. Fast enough, It has after burners! A good view of my work on the gear and gear doors retracted: Up at 53,000 ft:
  9. Thanks for your comments! I am just making a 2D pit, and to be honest the only 3D object will be the spinning fan blades in the jets, but it is very high quality for planemaker and you can't beat a simple yet well done aircraft. @ maniac: White knight One was before WK2
  10. Hi guys. White knight development is on its final stretch, so I am going to start a thread that will contain some WIP pics of the final few weeks in development. Please feel free to point out anything wrong with my flightmodel so far, I am aiming for maximum realism and criticism is the only way I am to achieve that! So here are some pics of my evening flight yesterday, testing out the systems and looking at my semi-finished paint job: On approach to NZMO (I know I should be in mojave, but I took a wrong turn): A good view of my work on the gear, nacelles and SS1 carrier / attacher: The famous front view of this amazing aircraft:
  11. In that case I have to learn AC3D stat! (otherwise all of us 'small' developers will be gobbled up... nooo!) I am looking foward to the release as much as you, I hope we all are.
  12. WhiteKnightOne in my paint shop.... looking real nice but not done yet.
  13. It has been a pleasure to watch your videos, it is always a good thing to go out with a BANG! You sure know how to make a good vid that is for certain!
  14. That's a familiar sight!
  15. Correction: we have no fighter jets.
  16. Don't under estimate the power of the nimble bantam... They travel in swarms and eat kookaburras and kangaroos for dinner. And I sure hope that now you guys are out you'll be goin' for us instead of the french. The US should have a fly in of all their fighters... I can just see the news reports after: Breaking news: 700 people have been taken to hospital because of ear damage, they were 20 km near the annual US fighter fly in. Whitness says that it was SO loud that a 70 kt gail started to pound their car park while they were having KFC.
  17. Talking about formation allright! Here in NZ all we see is a formation of bantams : http://www.airplane-pictures.net/images/uploaded-images/2008-2/18/10754.jpg
  18. Wow carlos, you seem to be doing allot of flying, how do you get the time?!
  19. It depends on wether you are going to put the software into good use, I use my painting software (fireworks) very often and so I think that it is good value for money. (Plus I can work easy with Better interface and well written tutorials as a bonus) But if you only use it to complete one paint, I would definitely suggest not going for that type of software. It all depends on personal preference, willingness and understanding of the factors that may make your painting programme either a waste of money, or worth the purchase. I am not forcing any of you to pay any money to do anything, I am just writing these tutorials in my spare time for fun and good practise with my painting software of course. It is entirely your choice! Happy painting everybody! No matter what system you may choose, I'm sure you'll get the desired result in the end!
  20. All the good people die young... RIP. I wonder what the earth would be like without his genius, truly an amazing guy.
  21. Hi there steve! I think making the jump to a more sophisticated system (i.e. photoshop) would fix your problems staight away... but in the meantime, i appreciate your interest in this subject and do hope that you don't quit straight away. Keep up the good work with your aircraft revisions, my sea pencil I cannot put down! -- PROGRESS REPORT TUT No.2 IS UNDERWAY! I have also decided to create the XPPT Extreme detail package which will have small textures for you to add to your paints (i.e. 2D pitot textures and markings). I am not a fan of using paint kits, I think that is cheating, but small detail is something that I'd like to have as a pre-set utility. Development of that will commence soon.
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