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About PhM

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. I am also programming things with Arduinos as well as STM32 boards. If all you have ever done is programming on a PC then these will show you a complete new world where everything has to be carefully planned and thinked ahead. No more luxury, only the bare essentials to deal with. PhM
  2. You can draw text in 3D, but you will have to do it yourself, the SDK does not provide anything for this. The basic things to do is to generate a set of quads, each textured with one letter of the text you want to display. Then, depending on what you want to achieve you will have to either draw them facing the camera or facing a fixed direction that you deem suitable. You, off course, do not want to render these one letter a a time, you also do not want to render these that do not belong to the current view frustum. Welcome to 3d graphics :-) You can look at impostors and billboards to get an idea of what needs to be done. A text string is no more than one of these made of several quads instead of one. PhM
  3. The function that you pass to XPLMUnregisterFlightLoopCallback must be the same as the one that was passed to XPLMRegisterFlightLoopCallback, here the compiler says that you are passing an XPLMDataRef instead of an XPLMFlightLoop_f. PhM
  4. Did that for over ten years, I know what you are talking about. PhM
  5. PhM


    Look for IVAO or VATSIM. PhM
  6. This is inexact. This is not what a multi-core CPU "allows" anyone to do. Multi-core CPUs were designed because simply increasing the clock frequency was no more a recipe for faster processing. Therefore spreading the computation over several cores that would run at the same time (paralelliem) was the solution. A multi-core is in no way designed to only let one program run on one core at a time. Just like any other CPU it simply does what the programmer intended it to do. Four cores cannot run a program, that has been designed to take advantage of this architecture, four times faster, apart from some exceptions, but they can make it run several times faster. If the program has not been written to take advantage of this architecture then several cores will never help. It is misleading to say that one program per core is the way computers and software generally work. In fact there are programs that are written to take advantage of multi-core architectures that will run faster by doing several things in parallel, and others, like X-Plane as you mentioned, that are doing things sequentially and thus end up only using one of the available cores. PhM
  7. Is this the only GPU available ? In case your computer is a laptop many have two GPUs one of which is better suited for things like X-Plane. PhM
  8. PhM

    Error Message

    Incomplete scenery, g2xpl_8_17_22888_78296.ter is missing. PhM
  9. Here is what I found in XPLMDisplay.h : * Upon entry the OpenGL context will be correctly set up for you and OpenGL * will be in 'local' coordinates for 3d drawing and panel coordinates for 2d * drawing.If the result is not valid in the gauge phase this means that what you used (matrices and viewport) to compute the 2D coordinates during the 3D phase is not valid for the 2D phase. Easy check : read the matrices and viewport during the gauge phase and compare them to what you read during the airplanes phase. PhM
  10. Correct, he did not want this plane to be available through XPFR anymore. PhM
  11. Better simulate them than have them happen for real. PhM
  12. I never pretended it was solving everything the way everybody wanted. Just saying that a lot of people were lost, confused, annoyed, etc... with this scenery_pack.ini file and that having it deleted on startup was all they needed. PhM
  13. I have developped the simplest of the plugins that deletes scenery_packs.ini on startup and lets X-Plane re-create it. Install it, forget about it, made many happy people. PhM
  14. Yup, I believe I should start mine as well . PhM
  15. My hopes are not too high. PhM
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