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Everything posted by Japo32

  1. Then.. there is something wrong in your xplane configuration I guess. But on ground you have to apply power smoothly. Normally in taxi you shouldn't have any problem. Only maybe in run for takeoff.
  2. Trim to the left should solve the problem. Of course also no apply full throttles and always start the run smoothly.
  3. just make an square polygon.. assign it a texture with your number. Align it to be seen by the pilot. Move the polygon to the 0,0,0 coordinates and export it as xplane OBJ. Load it in planamaker in misc objects menu. Move the polygon to the place you want with the position numbers in planemaker. You have a registration number in your cockpit. Not easy to do but fun for sure!
  4. wow!! looks like a Bermuda triangle point there!!!
  5. No problem with that is normal. I mean the "Failed to find resource "panel.png" bla bla bla" And does the same happen to you in 32bits? Have you tried in a fresh demo of xplane? Do you have xplane9 to try? I have totally no idea what can happen to your system. As said it is not the J32 issue.. because if so I would have lot of people saying the same.. and I just tried a flight and was all normal. Can you try in other computer you may have? The only way I always find problems is dividing solutions. So I try in another computer if I can, other version,... If you say it is connected with time.. you could start the plane with engines on and leave it with throttle applies but parking brake on and see if you have the same ammount of time to the failure. Did you correctly activate the plane with your email? Could you install again as said in other fresh demo instalation? I cannot help you in this for now because I cannot reproduce the problem. You have to make the testings. If you could try in xplane9, xplane10.20 32bits or xplane 10.11 versions that could do something.. but no other users reported this problem.
  6. well.. you could investigate more and could do it by yourself. You could make a square polygon in blender and export it with correct size and orientation to OBJ format. Then in J32 or any other plane could load that OBJ and move it to the right location you wish. That way you could put your Number in every 3D cockpit you wish. At the end.. do those things sometimes is more fun that flying!
  7. First news about this. This is not becasue the plugin I don't trigger anything at 10,000 feet or even make those jumps. It sounds to me like a change of weather and all is messed. Try this. Turn weather always clear and not download weather from internet. Be sure you don't have random failures activated. I thought it could be you started the engines manually and you leaved the rich on. That would produce a fire in engine.. but after seeing that jump in flight dynamics I trully believe it is because Xplane itself. Nothing related with the plane. Try to put 2 solutions per frame in flight dinamics in xplane instead the default 1. As said you seem to be the only one with this issue. I had a jump like that long ago but was because a suddently change in internet weather and all red turbulences. I haven't code anything inside the plugin. Maybe it would good to try with a default plane if do the same.
  8. Ok.. but you have to redo also the LIT texture! Remember every change in daylight texture has to have its change in LIT texture.
  9. Yes.. if you have a fire in n1 engine (that is usually the first one to have it.. is because of failure of it. You managed badly the engines so it burned. Please read the documents aswel as the adendum to manage engines correctly.
  10. weather? did you see red radar color? that is the normal behabiour when having that red color. Jump and crash. No other thing could make that. Plugin don't drive dynamics of the plane.
  11. the red areas you mark are behind the copilot, near the fuse circuit breakers wall. As said the pixel resolution in the cockpit texture is not enough to give you a good number registration. In the Cockpit_Seats you can put it in the yoke park. I think that is a good position to put it.
  12. Well... Cockpit_Main.png is your file.. but the pixel resolution is not so big to add a number registration so I would go to the Cockpit_Seats.png where you can find the yoke and next to the jetstream super31 up or down you can add it. Enough pixel res there.
  13. Depends on the temperature outside and other factors, but you can demist it with the proper functions in the plane. All is explained in the manual.
  14. No.. it happen the same to me. I do not use any special feature to play the sounds so it is a problem of xplane itself. What I did was hide the sound in my videos.
  15. Yes.. the breakers are as they are in the real. But they are not modelled. I build them in all my planes in a case of activating them later. Of course any information is well received. It is hard sometimes to find good information.
  16. I just saw same documents-videos starting the generators and they where more or less like they are now. BUT I don't have the consumption of amperage of systems.. Didn't have that information. so everything is invented, in what is the needed amperage for systems feed.
  17. There is a range to compare between the actual value of animation and the final value. If it is too near then you will see that slowly animation... and when it is too close jumps a little. Yes.. that is normal.
  18. I put what I saw in documents. 375 is the maximun per engine.
  19. Because the animation is driven by plugin. At the end the value is correct but meanwhile if the real value is 80.. and it is in 0.. it won't jump from 0 to 80 instantly.. but will animate to 80. If any modification is made.. then it will move again reaching a closest value to 80 and then moving to the newer value.
  20. Yes please... each costumer to its forum. X-Aviation users here. Store users in the forum that says in the email (x-plane.org) The Sasl plugin is part from the store. Here is different. At the end this is the difference between both shops and the support forum. Here you will find more solutions to answers because it has more time selling the plane, but we won't give support here for people that didn't buy the plane in XAviation. Thanks!
  21. I wish.. but the work to be done is to Austin. I tested it and the only I could have is 2 pilots.. ok.. but only one could manage the switches. So the other just watching. If you all want it you have to ask Laminar to do it. I believe the multiplayer cooperative option in all flight sims is very important.. but I guess there is no time to implement it. I believe it is so important becuase it let people learn.. and also have fun with other human. Always best than flying alone. The J32 as the Mentor are prepared for that. The CRJ200 would need some work.
  22. Redrock.. if you bought in the Store this is not the proper area to have support. Your problem is because the activation, and you can see the solution in the org forum. Of course here you can read whatever you want after you register, but as said, only costumers from x-aviation will receive support here. Hope you understand it. Thanks!
  23. yes.. please read the manual, everything is explained there. The plane works correctly if the right procedures are followed.
  24. Inside the cockpit is not present. The only way to do it outside is from plane maker. Removing the pilot object from the misc objects.
  25. Yes, if you have a engine break or fire, you have to feather it with the feather red levers. Not the condition levers. The red ones will pull the condition levers to greater feather position. As said, there is obscure stuff inside.
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