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thommy24dd last won the day on December 6 2021

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About thommy24dd

  • Birthday 03/24/1972

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  1. downloaded it at the 11.11.2023, but I am going to download it again... update: the new downloaded installer seemed to downlod while installation much slower, but it was succesful! YAY!
  2. Hello, I tried to install my IXEG 737 classic Plus v1.5.2. several times and it always fails with the same error os shown on the picture. https://i.gyazo.com/f416bc6d99aaa584cb83840c1412f2cd.png I get the error only by this product, all other Aircrafts I own are installing without any issue. Please help! kind regards Thomas
  3. hey guys stay calmed! Sometimes I find it really frightening how some people behave like that...
  4. wow, this looks very nice!
  5. version of gizmo is always seen on my pictures, isn't it!? beside I used the installer of my TBM900 in the last version before and it did not work. but well, its working now!
  6. firewall has been off the whole time and windows defender should not block it, since the whole x-plane folder is excluded!? update: after reinstalling IXEG 737 Classic v1.3.3 and the gizmo plugin what comes with it, activation successful!
  7. hello no I am not using wifi, I am connected via LAN! I hope you can help me with this!? here a second try with a different gizmo version! Log.txt
  8. Hello, I can not activate my products anymore and get the following error!
  9. looks realy great! :)
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