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Everything posted by thomascats1

  1. Just want to say this update together with X-Plane 11.50b12 is super stable for me. Already completed several long flight legs with 0 issues contrary to beta 11. Using SMP latest, RWC, ASXP and alot of heavy scenery. So thank you for the constant updates and support.
  2. Hi, Can we get some explanation regarding the new ASXP beta? Here is what's the patch notes say regarding integration with SMP: Added new SkyMaxx Pro depiction mode which enables new SMP integration reducing cloud layer limit and supplying new cloud layer type data Now compatible and integrated with SkyMaxx Pro with Real Weather Connector What does it change for us, do we need to change something in the RWC or SMP settings? Thanks.
  3. Hello. I started learning the Saab340 a while ago but it seems like the ITT indications and behavior are not quite accurate. Don't know if it's I am the one doing something wrong but for example when you unfeather the props after start there is a massive ITT spike, abovce 1000c, which is obviously not good. Same when you increase power, even small power increase results in a huge ITT spike. I watched a lot of real Saab340 videos of start up and T/O and the ITT seems to behave very calm in opposite to the violent behavior of the sim Saab. Not sure about this, if someone could point it out whether it's my mistake or sim limitation.. Thanks in advance.
  4. Adding Flickering cloud shadows at different POV's to the bug list. Not that it wasn't occurring before 11.50b1 but no it happens alot more.
  5. Update: Tried With 4.9.1 and the bug still happens when cloud softness not set to 0. Added log. Log.txt
  6. Here are my settings: The cloud softness setting was 500 but occurred on any other than 0 . Tested both on heaviest ORBX scenery and on a default one. Don't have the log unfortunately. Also yet to test it on 4.9.1 . Will update. Also Used: ASXP Real Weather Connector
  7. I have found whats causing the problem user Seth and I are experiencing. All this sort of cloud disappearing on the horizon line/inside terrain. It is all cause by the "Cloud / Terrain Blend Softness" setting being set on anything other than 0. Tested both in OpenGL/Vulcan. Here is another Picture. So for now we can disable this option and this bug disappears.
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