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Everything posted by ilias.tselios

  1. If you want to submit bugs, I have open an issue tracker. Please open an issue, and provide as much detail as possible at https://bitbucket.org/iliastselios/p180_avanti/issues?status=new&status=open.
  2. Thanks a lot for the quick response! Of course there is no problem, take your time. I will wait for you PM to give you as much help you need.
  3. I will drop them a message. Hopefully he might be able to help.
  4. I just uploaded the fix for this situation. If you haven't downloaded the latest version (v2.1.1), download the full version (P180_Avanti_II.zip) and you are good to go. If have downloaded the latest version (released on Friday November 23th), download only the v2_1_1_rc1.zip file, and replace the scripts folder inside Avanti's folder. (NOTE: the files might be for sometime unavailable due to upload. Please try again a bit later).
  5. Known bug: If you enter the flight plan, before the departure (at least you must enter the runway), you will get soft crash when hit EXEC. For now, please start with the departure first and then enter the rest of the flight plan.
  6. The new version has been uploaded and waits approval.
  7. Nope. I'm fixing a couple things and will make available.
  8. Since I had a bit more time, I added a couple more features! Avionics start up from cold and dark, and the load manager in action. Enjoy!
  9. Few renders with many parts together. Keep in mind that this a quick and dirt job, not final at all!
  10. I have added another feature in the upcoming update. An option menu, where you can set the passengers on board, adjust fuel, and set some (one at this point!) options. You will be able to access it ever from the Plugins menu, or via custom command you can bind to a keyboard shortcut.
  11. Overhead ready to be passed to the main 3D artist!
  12. No. It's almost ready, but will be for sure out after TBM's release.
  13. What about some teaser to open your appetite? Bluish panel (with the Blue livery). Checklist and FMS pages on the MFD. and many more...of course! Enjoy!
  14. From today (in my restricted free time), I am taking care few loose threads, do some tests that everything works ok, before being packaged for release. So I will say we are close, but cannot be exact.
  15. Thanks a lot @igorpa2! I'm finishing v2.1.1 now, which is mostly about avionics. I'm expecting 11.30 to be out, to look into flight model. Probably will go for a v2.2 with the new flight model improvements, particles, etc.
  16. Performance in general is a result of many factors. To understand why you get low fps, please post a screenshot with the fps counter at lower fps, settings, and yours machine specs. In my low end i5-4440/GTX760 @1080p, I get a slightly better performance when compared to zibo 738. Yes...but in the future, without setting any specific date.
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