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Everything posted by ilias.tselios

  1. I have started an effort to upgrade the P180 Avanti, that comes with X-Plane, to the newer Avanti II version. The difference is that Avanti II incorporates a new full glass cockpit, using the Proline 21 system of Honeywell. This upgrade is under permission of the author of Avanti for X-Plane, Robert Pearson. I want to thank him for his permission. First of all, by meaning upgrading, I mean that things that will change will be only those are different from the basic version. The most of plane will remain the same, except of course the... cockpit. So the goals are: 1. 2D cockpit with the most possible representation of Proline 21 avionics, as possible through X-Plane's capabilities. No plug-in will be used (hmm, I have no idea about them, I've played a bit with SALS and it's not looking tooo hard...). 2. A very detailed 3D cockpit, down to the last screw! If things go smooth and the results are ok, then I will (may be) go for a full implementation of Proline 21 by using plugins. Of course I cannot promise about the ETA of this project. One man alone on the spare time, you understand...I hope! Now some samples...
  2. That one is getting very nice! I think that i can help you with the tower, if you like. Here's a quick sample. I only need some good photos for reference.
  3. I'm on the same situation like you wilye233. So that's why i haven't bought XP10 yet! But there where a major improvement for fps when using 2d cockpits, and if i'm not wrong, Laminar has in their to-do list improvements in 3D cockpits as well. I'm checking any update using the demo, and ... waiting!
  4. Go here: http://scenery.x-plane.com/tools.php and download the Scenery tools. There is one called XGrinder. Perfect and simple converter for X-Plane!
  5. Seems that PMDG is looking now at X-Plane! http://forum.avsim.net/topic/358874-some-thoughts-on-flight/
  6. The matter is that while FSX lets say that is a steady platform (there are huge problems to setup it right), is a dead one, cause there will be no further version. Flight in the other hand seem like a no-simulator. It looks more like an arcade game till now. I've read that Microsoft will not provide SDK, everything will go through their app store, so there may be there is no future for developers, the strong point of FSX. It will last for a couple a years, but i don't think that right now a developer will start to create a new product for FSX. A good aircraft needs a lot of time to be developed. For them, today, X-Plane looks, i believe, the best option for the future. Flight it will be a success. That's for sure. Lot of people purchased FSx, but find it hard to "understand" it, specially those with no experience in aviation. Flight will be for them something that they can use more easily. And I think that's the target for MS. Make more money and who cares about flight simulation lovers.
  7. Here from the press release: "After downloading Microsoft Flight for free, players can jump into hours of exciting gameplay on the Big Island of Hawaii." What bugs me is the gameplay. Gameplay in a flight simulator?
  8. Here is the announcement, how MS Flight will be: http://www.simflight.com/2012/01/microsoft-announces-flight/#more-28615. Still laughing... Well now we know that Flight is out of comparison!
  9. About #1, there is a third FMC behind throttles. Press RAD/NAV and you can type in the scratchpad the OBS setting you want. That you put it at the 3LK.
  10. What's the dataref for toilet paper to unfold???
  11. If you don't wake up at night thinking about blender, you are still OK. And if you don't introduce yourself as Simmo W Modifier... you have long road to go...!
  12. Well, i've done a couple things myself (here my new airport: http://forums.x-pilo...s-airport-lg02/). I'm "playing" with blender last couple of months, and I find it not toooooo difficult, but very powerful. Watching tons of tutorials helped me a lot. I cannot judge myself if I can give something here, but I would like to try. Here is something I made in about an hour. This is the control tower of Eleftherios Venizelos International at Athens, Greece, with it's support building. Lighting is not that good, i put a couple of them just to take a picture!
  13. New release (1.2 now). Waiting for download here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?automodule=downloads&showfile=14657
  14. Update ready for download! Here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?automodule=downloads&showfile=14657 Waiting for your comments!
  15. Yes right, and you are making an amazing job!
  16. You can get the v1.0 here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?automodule=downloads&showfile=14657
  17. Ikaros Airport is a private General Aviation in Greece. Its location is 20 NM west north west of Tanagra AFB. It has one rwy (09/27) with length of 1000m. It is used only under VFR. That's mt first try of creating an airport. I choose that because it does not exists in XP, and has a fairly single layout. At this point is about 70% complete, of what i want to do. That was made from scratch. Hope you like the pics. More to come in a few day. It will have more detailed texture and a few more objects. Hope it will be ready for download.
  18. Well, first of all, nice flying! Waiting for that guys to kick some...PMDG's ass!
  19. There are 2 things that you must have in mind during approaches with helicopters. 1. There is an area in airspeed (about 16 to 25 kts), where transitional lift phenomenon takes place. At and below that speeds, and at an altitude greater than 50 ft, the rotor goes into its own downwash, so there is a "sink" to the ground. 2. At low speeds (<40 kts) and hi rate of descend (more than 500ft/min), also the rotors goes into its own downwash. So, the best technique is to maintain 40 kts till about 10-20 ft above ground, and descend with less than 500 ft/min.
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