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Everything posted by ilias.tselios

  1. Move your mouse cursor to the right edge of your display.
  2. My aircrafts with a bit of Depth-Of-Field effect!
  3. Check the post just above yours. If you move your mouse on the right edge of the screen, a tool tray pops out. The last icon is the tablet show/hide button. The aircraft is set the nose wheel steering in auto mode (check above post 1st picture). In this mode, the front wheel will steer to follow your commands up to 60 knots. Then is locked in the forward position. You can change this to manual and set a command (joystick or keyboard) to lock or unlock the nose wheel. Normally you should lock the front wheel for take off, when you are aligned in the runway. All these are valid, if there is no strong crosswind. If you have strong crosswind, keep the nose wheel steering in auto, so you can have some lateral control of the aircraft up to 60 knots, when the rudder is efficient to be used for lateral control. On the speed tape, there is an indication of the VR speed, when you must rotate the aircraft for lift off. It is 105 knots, which is good for all gross weights. Keeping a nose up attitude of around 15o -20o is good enough to allow for a smooth acceleration, to allow you time to retract landing and flaps. Make sure of course that you are not using full power, beyond the limits! The aircraft has huge amounts of power. Can sustain 100% torque up to FL250! For take off set the torque around 93-95%. Will gain a couple more % as the aircraft speeds up. You must keep it at all circumstances below 100%.
  4. If you open the tablet and click on the Avanti picture, you will find settings for how to control hardware. Click next to Condition Levers Mode, on the VR/Mouse, and will change to HW AXES (as below). Then you can use your hardware. I'm expecting in next days to have my internet connection upgraded so I can do some live streaming. Probably the first will be about Avanti, show/explain a few things, etc. I will post it here before, so anyone who wants to watch it, and ask question, could do it. Hopefully will stay there for a few days there as reference (or might record it myself and uploaded later on my youtube channel).
  5. This is weird. Gizmo does not show in Log.txt, like does not exist. Do you run any antivirus program or maybe there are any permission issues?
  6. Gizmo.plugin folder must go to X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins folder. Also post your Log.txt and GizmoLog.txt files.
  7. Don't use VNAV for now, until find time to do a fix. For unknown reasons it is tied to the autothrottle, which Avanti has not. There is a trick to use VNAV, if you don't care having autothrottle. Go to VNAV pages (climb. cruise, descend) and set speeds normal for Avanti, ie smaller or equal to 250 knots. If you want to disengage VNAV, momentary disconnect autopilot, and reconnect it.
  8. Better try here: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/forum/152-boeing-777-worldliner-professional/
  9. If you read the description of that file says: DO that!
  10. I don't understand what you mean. You don't have to do nothing...when it rains, you'll see rain, line the image. There is no default X-Plane rain effect.
  11. Have you installed Terrain Radar plugin? Make sure that is installed. The current version is 1.19 and Avanti requires at least version 1.18 to work. If you have installed already recent version of Terrain Radar: Do a Gizmo reset, and watch if will appear. Post your Log.txt and GizmoLog.txt files for debugging.
  12. What if not? Is Microsoft reliable enough? You're assuming that a PR campaign is 100% true. What IF Laminar, by the end of the year, release X-Plane 12, with bump up graphics, at the same level shown in FSX? What you will do?
  13. The beta mode in the Avanti is a bit different, and referred as reverse thrust. To operate it, if you have selected in the tablet the VR/mouse option, then you drag the throttles back of the idle position. You'll see the 'REV" indications inside the torque indicators. If you use hardware throttle, you need to assign a button/keyboard command "Toggle Reverse" to activate, and then use the throttle to control the amount of reverse thrust you want.
  14. First of all, at cruise you can set the props speed between 1800 and 2000 rpm. You don't HAVE to set it at 1800. Second, the aircraft is capable flying under the conditions you pointed, nicely and steady. Here at 230 KIAS, FL300 and prop rpm very close to 1800.
  15. Default Cessna 172SP Librain with xLua View File Librain implementation for Laminar's Cessna 172SP. This implementation is based on an improved version of Laminar's xLua plugin (included) by "aeroplane" and a small part, by me. This way, you avoid to use an extra plugin to get rain effects. C-172SP G1000 Walkaround Do the following to make it work (credits Todir): Open the file Cessna_172SP_G1000_cockpit.obj with a text editor. Find the last line starting with IDX (should be IDX5455 - Line 7428) Add just below and above the line that says ANIM_begin the line: ATTR_cockpit. Save the file and enjoy flying in the rain! In the future will be included in the download. SPECIALLY FOR DEVELOPERS/TINKERS! : You can use this release as an example of how to use the librain plugin with xLua. ABOUT xLua Plugin : The xLua plugin here is an improved version of Laminar's xLua plugin, which already exists in the aircraft. The new version adds the ability to: Print log info to Log.txt file for debugging. Returns a global variable "acfFolder", a string with the full path of aircraft's folder. LICENCE: MIT Submitter airfighter Submitted 02/21/2020 Category Plugins and Utilities  
  16. Version 1.0.1


    Librain implementation for Laminar's Cessna 172SP. This implementation is based on an improved version of Laminar's xLua plugin (included) by "aeroplane" and a small part, by me. This way, you avoid to use an extra plugin to get rain effects. C-172SP G1000 Walkaround Do the following to make it work (credits Todir): Open the file Cessna_172SP_G1000_cockpit.obj with a text editor. Find the last line starting with IDX (should be IDX5455 - Line 7428) Add just below and above the line that says ANIM_begin the line: ATTR_cockpit. Save the file and enjoy flying in the rain! In the future will be included in the download. SPECIALLY FOR DEVELOPERS/TINKERS! : You can use this release as an example of how to use the librain plugin with xLua. ABOUT xLua Plugin : The xLua plugin here is an improved version of Laminar's xLua plugin, which already exists in the aircraft. The new version adds the ability to: Print log info to Log.txt file for debugging. Returns a global variable "acfFolder", a string with the full path of aircraft's folder. LICENCE: MIT
  17. Yes... What high speed? You shouldn't exceed M.67 to M.68
  18. I will add the baggage option in the future update. Are you using the experimental flight model?
  19. The tablet (Avanti icon) provides you access to add passengers and fuel...as long as the engines are not working. The realism part is that you don't get people or fuel on board, while the engines running. What prop issue?
  20. If you haven't touched it, the bar is down, and if the bar is down, disconnect position, the AP will never be engaged.
  21. Below the AP button is the disconnect bar that you must have it in the up position to be able to engage the autopilot. I will do these days a tutorial video. For now you can read about Avanti here: http://www.smartcockpit.com/plane/PIAGGIO/AVANTI.html. There is a bit older video, but in the most part it is accurate with the last version.
  22. I should apologize because I don't have any documentation covering the aircraft. I might do a "tutorial" like video to show a few things special to Avanti and how you should operate the aircraft.
  23. The tablet is not visible in the cockpit or it is visible but you cannot use it? Have you clicked the tablet icon to show the tablet?
  24. Delete the previous. Clean installation is better.
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