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Everything posted by Goran_M

  1. Let me look into this and get back to you. There are a few things I could try.
  2. Do you have any other Gizmo driven aircraft? IXEG, Saab 340, Corvalis?
  3. Just confirming you're turning on the Avionics by first turning on the Master Avionics switch in the upper right section of the panel. (2 switches)
  4. Does it happen with other plug in driven aircraft or default aircraft?
  5. The Duchess is extremely simple. No plug ins. I'll take a look at it in XP11 and make sure nothing needs to be done. If it does, I'll do a free compatibility update. As for a complete XP11 upgrade, with PBR textures, I do plan on doing that, but it will likely be after the Saab and DC3 (which are being worked on now.)
  6. Not really sure what you mean by micro stutters. If you're referring to the small pauses as you rotate around the aircraft, that's scenery loading.
  7. Goran_M

    Xplane 11?

    Waiting for the next version of Gizmo to come out. Ben said it won't be much longer. Final testing, etc... When that's out, then we can get started. It won't be too much longer.
  8. Actually, yes. I've been dividing my time between the Saab and Citation. This last week was Citation week. I sent Jim and Cameron an in sim screenshot of the panel for QA feedback on colours and layout. Feedback was "positive", but I want to make some small adjustments, then I'll post "something", probably this weekend. If not this weekend, it'll be within a few days after that.
  9. You haven't missed the update. Still got some work to do on the Saab upgrade and the Citation before the DC3.
  10. Upcoming Saab versions. 1.4 --- Fixes bugs in the Saab for XP10 only. (Free update) 1.5 --- Compatibility patch for XP11. This brings V1.4 into XP11 (Free update) 2.0 --- Saab upgrade. New features. New mesh. New code. PBR textures. (Paid upgrade) We're still not 100% decided on the Citation, whether it's going to be for XP10 and XP11 or just for XP11.
  11. The GPS is a definite possibility, but I hate to be taking the "Classic" away from an iconic aircraft like a DC-3 by adding a GPS in it. So we'll see. Maybe as a GPS variant.
  12. We're looking into several options for the DC-3 for the PBR upgrade. This includes scratch-free gauge glass.
  13. Works on my end. Maybe try to reinstall.
  14. The Saab is not compatible with XP11 yet. Once XP11 goes out of beta, we'll start working on an update to make the Saab compatible.
  15. I have to admit, I cracked half a smile when reading this.
  16. So much depends on functionality in any add on on an unstable platform. Due to Laminar's "official" advice to developers, and some developers totally ignoring this advice, other plug ins made by said developers could be interfering with plug in driven aircraft, such as the DC-3 and Saab. Because of this, it would be impossible to diagnose the problem/s you are having. I haven't had many reports of problems with the DC-3 in XP11 (3 actually, including this one with the engines), so my GUESS is that something is interfering with them. I have 2 suggestions you could try: In the order given... 1. Load the DC3 in Planemaker again, go to File/Save. Make sure you save it. If that fails, try 2. 2. Load the DC3 in a clean install of X Plane (or one that has no other plug ins running, except for Gizmo.). Don't just disable them. Remove them completely from your X Plane folder. Don't delete them. You'll need to put them back. Then load the DC3 and see if that fixes it. Failing those two, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask that you wait until X-Plane becomes final.
  17. http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/11911-dc-3-in-x-plane-11/?do=findComment&comment=114363 When Laminar make an announcement that developers can go ahead and issue updates, then we'll address all problems and provide a free update.
  18. All files have been submitted to X-Aviation for the update as of a couple of weeks ago. An installer needs to be put together and testing needs to be done. If there are no issues during testing, the update will be shipped.
  19. Goran_M

    Xplane 11?

    You can definitely expect a texture improvement. And more.
  20. It is indeed the steering tiller. It is not implemented in V1.3 of the Saab. We were going to make it control the steering, but what's the point of looking down at it, using the manipulator to steer it, and not being able to see where you're going. You would be steering blind. (You cannot look up and use a manipulator, that is out of your line of sight, at the same time.) We're looking at options to implementing it somehow in the V2.0 upgrade, but nothing definite yet. We're only in the "ideas" stage at this time.
  21. The scratches are part of the textures. You could remove the glass object from the aircraft in Planemaker, but you are effectively voiding support if you do this and you may lose glass from other areas. FYI: The DC3 is on the list for an XP11 upgrade.
  22. My brain getting picked? I don't think it's even possible to make an aircraft that's cross compatible without some major changes. There's always changes that have to be made in the code. It happened with the Saab. When we started making it, it was intended to be for XP9 and 10. Then 10 came, and we saw a few major changes happened. The weather radar being one of them. So we dumped XP9 development and went strictly for 10 only. It would have been way too much work with a very low ROI. XP9 was pretty much dead by the time we finished the Saab. So it wouldn't make sense to make it for both platforms. If it's an aircraft with no plug ins, you can simply move the aircraft over from 1 platform to the next with no issues. If there are issues, opening the aircraft in the new version Planemaker, then saving it, usually fixes them. Some datarefs may be made inactive (which actually happened for the Saab in XP11), but it's not always a major problem. There's a new PT6 engine model in XP11, and that's thrown a bit of a spanner in the works for the Saab, so that's the thing we're working on now. The other big change now is PBR in XP11. Then to get the code right for the new version of X Plane...that could take a few weeks or a few months. It's kind of a shame that this happens, because it puts everything else on hold, but it's just part of the process and we have to get it done.
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